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Drug Study Drugs Generic Name: Levodopa Frequency/ Dosage 100mg 1tad OD Indication Management Action Levodopa inhibits

Side Effects -Neuroleptic malignant like syndrome Nursing Consideration Administration of sustained release form of levodopa availability by 50%and increased peak levodopa levels by25%.

of Parkinson disease peripheral but not central,

decarboxylation of levodopa including symptoms Brand Name: Sinemet because it does not cross the blood brain barrier. Since peripheral of muscular rigidity -Hypothermia -Increase serum

decarboxylation is inhibited, phosphokinase more levodopa is available for transport to the brain where it will be converted to dopamine, thus relieving the symptoms of parkinsonism Generic Name: Neobloc 100 mg (1/2 tab)once a day Route: PO Onset: Brand Name: Metoprololtartrate 15MIN Peak: 1 hr Duration: 6-12hr Hypertension-Early intervention in acute MI-Angina pectoris. Antihypertensive CNS: fatigue, dizziness, depression CV: bradycardia, hypotension, heart failure, AVblock, edema GI: nausea, diarrhea Respiratory: dyspnea Always check patients apical pulse rate before giving drug. If its slower than 60bpm, with hold drug and call prescriber immediately.-in diabetic patients, monitor glucose level closely because drug Changes in mental status.

Skin: Rash

masks common signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. Monitor BP.

Generic Name: Salicylate

For pain on integumentary structures, myalgia,

Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets and Fibrinolytics

GI: dyspepsia, heartburn, anorexia, nausea, epigastric

Assess for pain: type, location and pattern Note for asthma

Brand Name: Aspirin

neuralgia, headache, (Thrombolytics) dysmenorrhea, gout. Arthritis, SLE, acute rheumatic fever

discomfort, potentiation Monitor renal, LFTs and of peptic ulcer Allergic: CBCD determine history Bronchospasm, asthma- of peptic ulcers or bleeding like symptoms, anaphylaxis, skin rashes, urticaria Hematologic: prolongation of bleedingtime, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, Other: Thirst, fever,dimness of vision tendencies. Precautions: Do not use in children with chicken pox or flu symptoms.

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