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Contemporary models of abnormal behavior

What causes abnormal behavior?

Biological and Medical model

Psychodynamic Model

Behavioral Model/ Learning Theory

Cognitive Model

Humanistic Model

Stress diathesis

Psychologial disorders have a physical source

Unconscious factors and motives; likely developed during early childhood

Experiences and environment

Maladaptive thinking patterns

Poor self concept and barriers to selfactualization

Diathesis (vulnerability) + Stressor (environmental trigger) = disorder

Aaron Beck's CBT Freud's structure of the mind Psychosexual stages Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) Social learning (Albert Bandura) Operant conditioning (B. F. Skinner)


Humanistic Therapy focuses on improving self concept and facilitating selfactualization (Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow Client centered therapy simulation

Watch: In this video, a psychiatrist argues for offers an alternative to the biological model.

Association Biochemistry Infection Brain damage Genetic vulnerability Hormones Observation & Imitation Rewards and punishment

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on identifying and correcting these patterns; the assumption is that behavior change will follow

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