B3D9E1 Mengelaskan Kepelbagaian Haiwan Dan Tumbuhan Serta Menjelaskan Kepentingan Kepelbagaian Organisma Kepada Persekitaran

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LEARNING AREA: 3. BIODIVERSITY Name :_______________________________________________ Class:_2________________ Date:_____________ 3.1 Understanding variety of living organisms and their classification.

B3D9E1 Mengelaskan kepelbagaian haiwan dan tumbuhan serta menjelaskan kepentingan kepelbagaian organisma kepada persekitaran.

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Humans, animals and plants make up a wide variety of organisms on earth. Complete the statement below to explain what biodiversity is using the words given. Habitat different

Biodiversity is the variety of _________________types of living organisms living in a particular area or __________________. 2. The diagram below shows examples of animals.






Classify the following animals into two different groups Group 1 One common characteristic Group 2 One common characteristic

i. ___________________________ Name of the animals

i. ____________________________ Name of the animals

Panitia sains SMKBPJ(A) 2013

Page 1

LEARNING AREA: 3. BIODIVERSITY 3. The diagram below shows pictures of plants.


Bamboo plant

Durian tree


Classify the plants in the diagram above into two groups, monocotyledons and Monocotyledons



Name of plants

Name of plants

i. __________________________

i. ________________________________

ii. __________________________ One common characteristic

ii. ________________________________ One common characteristic

i. __________________________

i. ____________________________ the environment.

4. Complete the statement below to explain why maintaining biodiversity is important to All organisms depend on one another for __________and shelter.

Panitia sains SMKBPJ(A) 2013

Page 2

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