SITUATION: You Work As A SN in A Family Planning Clinic. You Provide Expert Services On Family Planning Methods

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SITUATION: You work as a SN in a Family Planning Clinic. You provide expert services on family planning methods. 1.

Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrients for infants. Aside from the many advantages of breastfeeding to the child and mother, it is also one of the safest family planning methods. Which of the following is true about this method? A. Lactational amenorrhea B. Esclusive breastfeeding for 6 months C. Absence of menstruation D. All of the above 2. If you are asked about the advantages of IUD, you will explain that these are the following except: A. Does not interfere with intercourse B. Is very effective and inexpensive C. Does not interfere with the flow of milk and mother can continue breastfeeding D. None of these 3. A family planning method that may be advised for women whose lives may be endangered by another pregnancy is: A. Vasectomy C. pills B. IUD D. tubal ligation 4. A breastfeeding woman is protected from pregnancy only when she is no more than six months postpartum. This natural contraceptive is called: A. Billing method B. Lactational amenorrhea method C. Symptothermal method D. Lactational management 5. A couple with 14 children asked you about vasectomy. Which of the following will you not include in your discussion about this method? A. Sterility is immediate B. Does not affect spontaneity of sexual intercourse C. The man will still ejaculate seminal fluid D. It is a permanent method 6. The nurse continuous to explain that if they wish to use the BBT method of family planning the woman is fertile: A. On the day the temperature drops until after 48 hours B. On the day the temperature rises until the third day C. On the day the temperature drops until the third day of elevation D. On the day the temperature rises until it drops again

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