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The Relationship of Sales Supervisors Situational Leadership Style

and Salespersons Performance
Pulsak Kosiyawat1

() 395

: ,

The purpose of this research was to study the primary leadership style and situational leadership
style adaptability of sales supervisor and the relationship of the primary leadership style, leadership style
adaptability of sales supervisor and salespersons performance. The data was collected from 395
salespeople of DKSH (Thailand) Ltd. The questionnaires were sent to salespeople regarding to sales
supervisors leadership style and leadership style adaptability as perceived by salesperson, and
salespersons performance. The finding revealed that the selling style of high task high relationship was
the primary leadership style of the majority of sales supervisors according to the perception of
salespeople. They all agreed that sales supervisors had low to moderate degrees of leadership style

; Email:


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adaptability. There was significant relationship between primary leadership style, leadership style
adaptability of sales supervisor and salespersons performance.
Key Word: Situational Leadership Style, Salespersons Performance

(Fuchs, 2007)

(Guptara, 2005)

(Moxley & Alexander, 2003)

(Hesselbein & Goldsmith, 2006)
(Adair, 2007)

(Goldsmith, 2003; Potter & Rosenbach, 2008)
(Kippenberger, 2002)

(Walters, 1987)
(Bolden, 2004)
(Stroh, Northcraft, & Neale, 2002) (Hersey, Blanchard, & Johnson
2008) (Kouzes & Posner, 2003)

(Blanchard, Carlos, & Randolph,

(situational leadership theory) Hersey &
Blanchard (1969)
125 (Thomas, 2006) 12
400 (Langton & Robbins, 2007)
(Robbins, 1991)

1 1 (- 2555)

(Avery & Ryan, 2002)
(leadership style
adaptability) (followers performance readiness level)
(Hersey et al., 2008)
(Hersey & Blanchard, 1969)
2 (supportive behavior)
(directive or task behavior) (leadership style) 4
1. (telling style, S1)
2. (selling style, S2)
3. (participating style, S3)
4. (delegating style, S4)
(primary leadership style) 4

(performance readiness level)
2 (ability) (willingness) 4
1. (R1)
2. (R2)
3. (R3)
4. (R4)
4 4





: Management of organizational behavior: Leading human resources (Hersey et al., 2008)

(Goodson, McGee, &

1 1 (- 2555)

Cashman, 1989; Blank, Weitzel, & Green, 1990)

(Grover & Walker, 2003; Ates, 2003)



(simple random)
(Yamane, 1967) 95% 395
218 177

(Hersey & Blanchard, 1981)
12 4
30 2
6 73.3
.74 (p = .01)
2) Behrman &
Perreault (1982) 18
(internal consistency)
(Cronbachs Alpha) .936


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: 56.46


( = 16.303 = 4 = 9.488 Sig = .003)

( = 3.239 = 2 = 5.991
Sig = .198)
.05 Welch 5.810 (Sig. = .001)
Dunnett T3

(Sig. = .000)

: .05 F
21.215 (Sig. = .000) Tukey HSD

(Sig. = .000 .003)


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