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1881 - 1973


First Communion 1896

Science and Charity 1897

Self Portrait 1901

Yo Picasso 1901

Head of Dead Casagemas 1901

Self Portrait 1901

Woman with Crossed Arms 1903

Old Guitar Player 1903

Man with Bread 1905

Poor People on the Seashore 1905

Mother and Child 1905

Acrobat Family 1905

Acrobat 1905

Self Portrait 1906

Les Demoiselles dAvignon 1907

Dance of Veils 1907

Three Women 1908

Reservoir at Horta 1909

Portrait of Ambrose Vollard 1910

Guitar 1913

Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles DAvignon oil on canvas 1907

The Women of Avignon 5 women in a brothel Shows strong sexual anxiety. Influenced by studying African masks. Shocked viewers Beginning of Cubism Fractured space Multiple viewpoints Flattened colors/space

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