Daftar Harga Eceran Yang Ditetapkan Untuk Pelanggan (Harga Pelanggan) Mandatory Retail Customer Price List

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Tanggal Efektif Berlakunya Daftar Harga Ini: 15 April 2012 Price List Effective Date: April 15, 2012

Updated: April 11, 2012

PT. Herbalife Indonesia Gedung Menara Dea II, Lobby & MZ. Floor Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat, Kav. E. 4.3 No. 1-2 Jakarta 12950 - INDONESIA Telp. 021 576 0950 Sales Center Surabaya Promenade Arcade-Hotel Bumi Surabaya PRM 08-10 Jl. Jend Basuki Rahmat No. 106-128 Surabaya 60271 Jawa Timur - INDONESIA Telp. 031 547 0920 Quick Response Center (QRC) Medan Cambridge Building 2nd Fl. Jl. S Parman No.217 Medan, Sumatera Utara - INDONESIA Telp. 061 452 2722 Quick Response Center (QRC) Makassar Mall Panakkukang Square,Lt. II No. 96-97 Jl. Adhyaksa No.1, Panakkukang Mas Makassar - INDONESIA Telp. 0411 466 2010

Distributor Services Department Tel. (62 21) 576 0950; Faks / Fax. (62 21) 576 0960 Email Order ( IDOrderline@herbalife.com ) Email : DistributorServicesIndonesia@herbalife.com

Quick Response Center (QRC) Bandung Dago Plaza Lt 2 Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 61-63 Bandung 40116 Jawa Barat - INDONESIA Telp. 022 422 2721 Pick up Center Yogyakarta Ambarukmo Plaza Lantai 2 Unit B10 - 11 Jl. Laksda Adisucipto Yogyakarta 55281- INDONESIA Telp. 0274 433 1400 Pick Up Center Papua Hola Plaza Lt.4 Jl. Raya Sentani Padang Bulan Jayapura Papua 99224- INDONESIA Telp. 0967 584 308


Nomor Stok / Stock No.

Uraian Produk / Description of Goods

Mandatory Customer Price

PRODUK NUTRISI - UNIT / NUTRITIONAL PRODUCT - UNITS: Formula 1 - French Vanilla Nutritional Shake Mix 0230 Formula 1 - Dutch Chocolate Nutritional Shake Mix 0231 Formula 1 - Wild Berry Nutritional Shake Mix 0232 Herbal Concentrate 0233 Fiber & Herb Tablets 0234 Cell-U-Loss 0111 Lipo-Bond 0130 N.R.G Instant Tea 0237 Herbal Aloe Concentrate 0238 Herbalifeline 0065 Nutrition Activator 0104 Formula 2 - Multivitamin Complex 3115 Formula 3 - Personalized Protein Powder 0242 Mega Garlic Plus 0032 Tri-Shield 0100 PRODUK NUTRISI - PROGRAM DAN PAKET / NUTRITIONAL PRODUCT - PROGRAMS AND PACKS : QuickStart - French Vanilla 4049 QuickStart - Dutch Chocolate 4050 QuickStart - Wild Berry 4051 Advanced - French Vanilla 4056 Advanced - Dutch Chocolate 4057 Advanced - Wild Berry 4058 Ultimate - French Vanilla 4071 Ultimate - Dutch Chocolate 4072 4073 Ultimate - Wild Berry QuickStart Plus - French Vanilla 2677 QuickStart Plus - Dutch Chocolate 2678 2679 QuickStart Plus - Wild Berry

345,000 345,000 345,000 340,000 137,000 206,000 276,000 228,000 340,000 426,000 340,000 326,000 345,000 211,000 584,000

1,148,000 1,148,000 1,148,000 1,694,000 1,694,000 1,694,000 2,538,000 2,538,000 2,538,000 1,493,000 1,493,000 1,493,000

2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 1031 1032 1033 1038 1039 1040

Advanced Plus - French Vanilla Advanced Plus - Dutch Chocolate Advanced Plus - Wild Berry Ultimate Plus - French Vanilla Ultimate Plus - Dutch Chocolate Ultimate Plus - Wild Berry Start Now Pack -French Vanilla Start Now Pack -Dutch Chocolate Start Now Pack -Wild Berry Start Now Pack Nutrition Club -French Vanilla Start Now Pack Nutrition Club -Dutch Chocolate Start Now Pack Nutrition Club -Wild Berry

2,039,000 2,039,000 2,039,000 2,883,000 2,883,000 2,883,000 983,000 983,000 983,000 1,323,000 1,323,000 1,323,000

PRODUK NUTRISI LUAR - OUTER NUTRITION PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PRODUK HERBAL ALOE - HERBAL ALOE PRODUCTS 0493 Herbal Aloe Everyday Body Wash 0489 Herbal Aloe Everyday Shampoo 0490 Herbal Aloe Everyday Conditioner PRODUK NOURIFUSION - NOURIFUSION PRODUCTS 2510 Nourifusion Cleanser N/Dry 2511 Nourifusion Cleanser N/Oily 2512 Nourifusion Toner Normal/Dry 2513 Nourifusion Toner Normal/Oily 2514 Nourifusion Lotion SPF 15 Dry 2515 Nourifusion Lotion SPF 15 Oily 2516 Nourifusion Night Cream 2517 Nourifusion Eye Cream 2518 Nourifusion Eye Gel 2519 Nourifusion Clarifying Mask 2520 Nourifusion Moisture Mask 2521 Nourifusion Facial Scrub 0901 Nourifusion Normal to Dry Kit 0902 Nourifusion Normal to Oily Kit PRODUK RADIANT C - RADIANT C PRODUCTS 2890 RadiantC Daily Skin Booster 2997 RadiantC Face Quencher PRODUK SKIN ACTIVATOR - SKIN ACTIVATOR PRODUCTS 0862 Day Lotion SPF 15 0863 Eye Cream 0864 Decolletage Cream 0865 Nighttime Replenishing Cream 0866 Lip Refiner SPF 15
Catatan / Notes : 1. Semua Harga dalam daftar ini dinyatakan dalam Rupiah, dan berlaku sampai dikeluarkannya Daftar Harga Eceran Yang Disarankan Buat Pelanggan yang baru oleh PT. Herbalife Indonesia. PT. Herbalife Indonesia mempunyai hak untuk mengeluarkan harga baru dan/atau koreksi/salah cetak di dalam daftar harga ini, tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. / All prices in this list are stated in Indonesian Rupiah, and are valid until superseded by the issuance of a new Mandatory Retail Customer Price List by PT. Herbalife Indonesia. PT. Herbalife Indonesia reserves the right to issue new prices and/or correct errors/misprints in this price list without prior notification. 2. Harga eceran adalah harga penjualan yang disarankan bagi pelanggan termasuk PPN (dengan catatan bahwa PPN hanya dapat dikreditkan oleh Distributor yang terdaftar sebagai PKP)./ Retail Prices are mandatory selling prices to retail customers including VAT (note that VAT should be charged only by VAT registered Distributors).
2012. PT. HERBALIFE INDONESIA, Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-undang. 4151ID-20 04/12

189,000 145,000 145,000

220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 283,000 283,000 535,000 347,000 347,000 316,000 316,000 316,000 723,000 723,000

384,000 109,000

744,000 431,000 744,000 664,000 316,000

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