Treason Charges Against Australian Public Servants

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BRIEF of EVIDENCE THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAW OF TREASON PRIME MINISTER JULIA GILLARD ATTAINTED WITH TREASON THEREFORE DISQUALIFIED BY SECTION 44 OF THE COMMONWEALTH CONSTITUTION Brian W Shaw Werribee / Victoria 21 June 2010 ATTAINTED WITH TREASON Any Person Attainted with Treason shall be incapable of sitting or of being chosen Commonwealth Constitution Act Section 44 (ii) ‘This Charge and Offence has been concealed from the Electorate ns etn Coen Serer! agsteo s78680 Fm? Charge and Summons Beng Wis win you te Cour) Ne Jul attare [Snap 2.26 Synnet Sveot jwerrtoee vie'Sa30 ‘You have been Sharged with an affoneespuinevte Law Tae Read both pages to aon what vou monte By such enactwent an Act of Trastor was comiitid lng Inclusive of tre prowont cate, sna ncaa ohn oneal by dtendany, snc the dat of sracement uote note what Ln 9|Ta acr oceaiy | ARTSr Rag We] Sacto CERES FUTes | mL Somene imepraonofteancon Tyne of eence| (summery tne ea anal pow or) heat enc you mus 9s Cont wotvere mare charges 7] Bio Elverta nnson oh onrger samc snoant Bean Wa ‘Auancy and Acciwe| 200 Leakon Road Tagan Visors o 1 Riore Ne Oo SaeaTTe Intormane Signature Date Niners yourustge| The hegebaie'/Ghisons Court af Vlas at Mabon’ ‘Adoreca| 23 Witla Seaet Nelooorne Vitra Scott MacDonald, Deputy Registrar Melbourne Magistrates Court of Vietor 29" January 2007

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