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Ch 4 Principles of Design

1. Unity and VarietyUnity is the appearance of oneness describing the feeling that all the elements belong together and make up a coherent/harmonious whole. Too much of the same would be boring. Variety provides visual diversity, acting to counter unity. Too much variety results in illusionistic chaos.

2. Emphasis and Subordination

Emphasis is the place the eye is focuses on. Subordination involves the supporting aspects of the composition

3. Directional Forces
Consider the paths the eye follows .

4. Repetition and Rhythm

Repetition can involve any of the elements of art.

Visual rhythm is created when a regular recurrence of elements with some variation is present.

5. Scale and Proportion

Scale is the size relation of one thing to another.

Proportion is the size relationship of parts to a whole.

6. Balance Symmetrical, asymmetrical

7. Contrast

the juxtaposition of strongly dissimilar elements

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