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Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Risk Index

Temperature (C) 36.5 and 38.4 38.5 and 38.9 39 and 36 Blood leukocytes (L) 4,000 and 11,000


0 1 2

< 4,000 or > 11,000

Tracheal secretions None Nonpurulent 0 1

Oxygenation: PaO2/FIO2, mm Hg > 240 or ARDS 240 and no ARDS Pulmonary radiography No infiltrate Diffuse (or patchy) infiltrate

0 2

0 1

Localized infiltrate

Progression of infiltrate* None Progression (heart failure and ARDS excluded) Growth of pathogenic bacteria on tracheal aspirate culture* No, rare, or light growth 0 0 2

Moderate or heavy growth

Same bacteria as on Gram stain


Merokok mengakibatkan penurunan jumlah sel darah merah

Terutama di paru

Meningkatkan resiko pnemonia

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