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Unit 1 Jesus and Scripture OBJECTIVE- To know who Jesus was, what was expected of him , what he proclaimed,

according to each of the four Gospels. METHOD- split the class into 4 groups alphabetically, produce a lesson i.e. teach the class the answer in relation to your particular Gospel in week 5, it is peer assessed based upon the content, how easy it was to understand and how well it was delivered 1-5, 5 is the highest. CONTENT- Must make reference to relevant passages of the Old and New Testament, a minimum of 4, must make reference to your particular Gospel and include a minimum of 6 explicit references, must show awareness and knowledge of authors background and the consequence of this, must make reference to at least three verifiable sources other than the Bible i.e. relevant secondary sources, MUST answer the question and deliver it in a manner to ensure and check learning. Discuss/brainstorm in groups 1-who they think Jesus was/is 2-what their particular Gospel says about who Jesus was/is 3-what other passages in the Bible say about who Jesus was/is 4-what the people of the time expected him to be like and do/why? 5-what secondary sources say about Jesus and why 6-what makes a good and bad lesson 7-who will take what role in the group/do what Peer assessment grid1-5, 5 is the highest. Gospel HOW EASY TO UNDERSTAND DELIVERY CONTENT

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