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This is England movie opening 1.

1.this shows an entertainment model of the 80s and shows the audience into which time zone it would be in and shows it of a very poor quality at the beginning and shows that its going to be about poverty essentially.


2. when the music comes in it shows a picture of Margret thatcher come on the screen in an almost demolition vehicle with a helmet on and this shows that she is the essential problem and what she is doing to England at this time. She also has a very determined face showing something about her.


3. this shows the main movie title in very shabby letters almost looking rusty and shows what the film environments going to be like and not only that it also sees to have a block of very rough estate behind it showing what England was like at this time.


4. It then goes onto skin heads walking up stairs and seeing graffiti behind them and showing that they are rough people. They are also in suits which show they may be doing something for a course and shows importance in them, also in how the video is slowed down with them walking up the stairs.


5. this image shows the people of England rioting and shows that it is going to be a very aggressive film and also shows what it is all about to the audience. 6.

6. This shows the soldiers bringing the flags back to England and showing that they dont want to be in the Falklands war and how the people of England are standing up.


7. at the end of it shows pictures of the army and how painful and pointless the war is and shows how it is the real England by showing many flags with the soldiers and puts the audience in the right mood for the film ahead.

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