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Rock n Rolla movie opening 1.

1.This image here is the opening scene to rock n Rolla and is the first image you see. What this does to the audience is it puts them into the right mindset and shows that t is in a very dark place and shows the poverty. Music also starts when the sequence starts and it then it has a voice over that and starts talking in a very cottony. 2.

2. It then goes up closer and shows that he is smoking something out of a bong showing that he is a druggy and shows what this film is about and break into him doing drugs sex and rock n roll and this shows essentially what this guy is all about. 3.

3. After showing a bit about the main character him self it then breaks into cartoon mode and Rock n Rolla comes up on the screen and comes in when the music gets louder and is all very cool shots of all the characters.


4. This shows Lenny who is the big gangster boss who has all the connections and this shot shows his power with the two security guards in front of him and makes him look very powerful then the narrator starts talking about him. 5.

5. Then when it goes around showing all the connections it has the opening credits as if they fit in perfectly with scene and then talks about how Lenny makes his money and referring to it as magic. 6.

6. It then goes on to show the amount of Lennys power and what he owns which is basically the hole of London and goes around showing snap shots of central. Then slowly goes into the film where people are normally talking and the music wears off.

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