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Snatch movie opening 1.

1. This is the beginning of snatch and this shows the back of a head who we dont actually know and then you hear a person talking who is introduced in this scene and is called Turkish. This shows Turkish talking to the audience and is a diegetic sound. 2.

2. This part of the movie opening shows Turkish on the left who is narrating and then tommy on the right who is introduced by Turkish and comes across as very weak person and low in social hierarchy. Then goes on to talk about how Turkish knows nothing about diamonds.


3. it then goes on to talk 5 Jewish people men into office and then you see it all through the view of the security cameras and shows it from the other peoples point of views and what they are seeing and you can slightly tell that they are in disguise. 4. 4.

4.then very fast beat drums come in and they pull out the guns and rob the diamonds and the big stone diamond and the mood completely changes. From being very relaxed then suddenly very aggressive and wild.


They then make a break away and stole the big stone of a diamond and then they got in the van it then zooms into the diamond and the movie title comes up which is Snatch and it rotates the screen around the diamond showing that the diamond is important. 6.

6. it then goes on to introduce all the characters in the film and shows all the names of them and there nicknames and where they essentially lay in the social hierarchy. After these introductions it then goes into the beginning of the film.

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