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Sharpshooters Software Evaluation Rubric

Name of Software: Name/Role of Evaluator: Operating System Windows: 98 2000 NT XP 7 8 Supported: Macintosh: OS 8.x, OS 9.x, OS X
Other: Unix/Linux, iPad, Android Tablet

Grade Level: Date:

1- Does not meet expectations 2- Approaching expectations 3- Meets expectations 4- Exceeds expectations or N/A

Teacher Usability
Teacher instructions are clear and concise Technical support is easy to access Possible follow-up activities are provided Supplemental resources are provided Software can be used in multiple ways Activities can be used for individual, small group and whole group learning Software can be integrated into other classroom activities Score:


Student Usability
Student instructions are clear and written in age appropriate language Students can use the software independently Minimal computer knowledge is required Activity length is age appropriate Software provides student feedback about performance Score:

/28 Rating

Software is easy to install Software operation is quick and easy Software is quick and easy to exit Software menus are user friendly

/20 Rating

Any included links work properly Score:

Graphics are age appropriate Text is appropriate size, font and colour Sounds effects are appropriate and not overbearing Software layout is effective Software wont become outdated quickly Score:

/20 Rating

Curriculum Support
Software aligns with grade level curriculum outcomes Content is up to date Cross curricular connections are introduced Software allows for student collaboration Activities are engaging and interactive Software motivates the learner to finish activities Software contains no racial or sexual bias Software caters to a variety of learning styles (i.e. visual, auditory and kinesthetic) Software is supported with appropriate references Score: Total Score: Overall Software Rating

/20 Rating

/36 /124

110-124 Excellent 100-109 Very Good 90-99 Good 80-89 Fair <79 Poor

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