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2nd/ 3rd February 2013


UK firm faces questions over how spyware ended up in Bahrain
A British technology rm faces questions about how its specialistsurveillance software allowing users to spy on people's emails ended up in Bahrain. Campaigners fear that it was used to help the country's security services crack down on protesters during the Arab spring. The allegations raise concerns about the export of British technology to oppressive regimes. Tomorrow the campaigners Privacy Internationalwill join forces with human rights groups, including the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights and Bahrain Watch, to le a complaint with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development alleging that Gamma International UK is in breach of OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises. A separate complaint is being led against a German company. The complaints state: "If both companies did in fact export surveillance software to the Bahraini government, and are continuing to maintain these technologies for use by the Bahraini authorities, the complainants believe this would make them culpable of aiding and abetting the Bahraini government in its perpetration of human rights abuses In so doing, it is argued the companies are in breach of OECD guidelines concerning human rights." Read More

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