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Professional Portfolio Artifact(s) Reflections Cover Sheet

PLO 3: Apply effective guidance and interaction strategies that support all children's social learning identity and self confidence.

For this component of PLO 3 I have chosen these artifacts: Guidance Scenarios

I. Connection: how does this artifact demonstrate my beliefs, understandings and knowledge of the PLO?
The guidance scenarios demonstrate my beliefs, understanding, and knowledge that children should be guided instead of punished. There are several ways to guide a child depending on the situation. A teacher can use redirection, logical consequence, reflective and responsive statements, conflict resolution, and I- messages. There are ways to appropriately correct behavior without making the child feel embarrassed or affecting their self-esteem. By allowing the children to have control over their decision, they are not only learning ways to problem solve, they are developing socially.

II. Growth: how does this artifact demonstrate my growth in knowledge and skill?
The guidance scenarios demonstrate me growth in knowledge and skill by being able to support, nurture, and guide the child in a way that can benefit them. I have learned in my CHDV 200 class that different cultures have different values and beliefs when it comes to socialization, guidance, and discipline. For example, some cultures believe in timeout, while others believe in physical punishment. Though I have learned to respect other cultures beliefs, as long as the child in not in any danger. I would only use guidance techniques in my classroom. I have included a photo taken during my teacher in charge project where I have to use guidance techniques. I had to explain to the children that it was unsafe to have more than 2 children on the Jeep at one time. Someone could get hurt (logical consequence). I also stated that I understood that they were excited to play on the jeep (I-messages), but assured them that everyone would get a turn.

III. Application: how are you going to build on your knowledge and skills related to these artifacts in future teaching practices? (In other words, what are your next steps?)
I use guidance techniques on a daily basis with my own children. I will also continue to strengthen those skills by using them while substituting in various preschool classrooms. I understand that every child may react differently to each strategy, so I look forward to gaining that experience.

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