Language Techniques

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Language Techniques Allusion- The device of referring to character and events in mythology, history and literature to create a certain

n atmosphere. Ambiguity- Having a doubtful or double meaning. Antithesis- An arrangement of words for balanced contrast. Assonance-Where the vowel sounds within words rhyme. Ellipsis- The omission of words, usually to create tension or suspense. Empathy- Where the reader can enter the mind of the object of contemplation. Euphemism- The expression of an idea in tasteful words. Hyperbole- Where the idea is exaggerated. Irony- The use of words for humorous intention, so the meaning is opposite. Litotes- To understate an idea. Neologism- A newly-coined word. Oxymoron- Where the words immediately next to each other are opposite in meaning. Parenthesis- Where words are put in between brackets. Pathetic Fallacy- Where description of the natural world mirrors the events or feelings in the human world. Platitude- A commonplace expression. Satire- To ridicule ideas in order to bring about change. Tacit- Implied, without being stated.

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