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The Childrens Safari HolliDay-Care

Your Childs Journey Starts with Gods Love and Learning

Parent Handbook
1 Howlett Place . Durham, NC 27703-3366 Website: Hours: 7am-5:30pm

Our Mission
The Childrens Safari HolliDay-Care is a preschool committed to serving families, putting the love of God first as we care for each child. We are committed to the whole child physically, socially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In the whole environment, we are here to give them the best start on a journey of a thousand steps to a future that has a foundation of God love first.

Our Philosophy
The early years are the most important years of the life of a child. We know that providing each child with a loving and positive experience, we will create a better learning environment for development of a brighter future. In these years, the child develops the concept of self, of God, and others. We believe as a provider. We are responsible to each child to giving the very best care that will create a pattern of proper emotions and behavior that will guide them through their journey of life.

Enrollment (Forms)

Please submit the following form prior to enrollment: Application Emergency release, contact and information form Child care medical report Immunization Discipline and Behavior Management Document of receipt of policies and procedures Document of receipt of summary of State Child Care Laws Photo release form About Your Child Client Payment Agreement $50.00 registration (non-refundable) Student Supply fee

If a child is withdrawn and re-enrolled at any time, new paperwork and fees must be submitted.

2 The Children We Serve

The Children's Safari Holliday-Care serves children age three months to five years. We admit children regardless of race. The staff is not equipped to serve children with serious special needs; however, care for children with minor special needs will be considered at an individual basis. Each child is granted the same rights available to all students. The Children's Safari Holliday-Care does not discrimination the basis of race, color, national, or ethical origin in the administration of its admission, education, and any schooladministration program's policies. All parents are expected to adhere to all policies and procedures of the (CSH) day care.

3 Withdrawals
Facility Withdrawals The Children's Safari Holliday-Care reserve the rights to dismiss an enrolled child if any policies are violated by the parent or guardian or child's behavior and anything that warrant a dismissal. All withdrawal will be made through the owner/director. If we cannot give you a two-week notice you, the parent or guardian is responsible for your balance up to date. NOTE: All families are treated the same. A Parent or Guardian Withdrawal If you must withdraw your child at anytime you are required to submit your withdrawal in writing. A two weeks notice is requested.
Withdrawals and tuition Balance

All balances are due whether it a facility or parent/guardian withdrawal prior the childs last day.

4 Registration, Tuition and Fees

Tuition is the amount you pay based on a weekly schedule. All tuition is paid in advance. It is due and payable on Monday of each week. A late $25 dollars late assess not paid by the close of the business day. Tuition is due for each enrolled child for a full week, absent or present, even in the event of vacations, sickness, holidays, inclement weather and etc. 3 years and up $160 weekly Infants are $190 weekly

Note: No account can remain more than one week overdue. Return Checks: a $25 fee will be a charge on all returned checks, in event of two returns all furture payments will have to be made in cash or money order. Give all payments to CSH owner. This includes three meals (breakfast and afternoon snack) and lunch. Sample Menu included on page:

Registration/ Supply Fees Each child is charged a nonrefundable $50 registration fee at the time a space is reserved for enrollment at the CSH. Note: (Remember if you withdraw and re-enroll a re-enrollment fee of $50 will apply. Looking toward the end of each school year and preparing for the new school year a non-refundable yearly supply fee will be due. This fee is due in March so that we will have all supplies ready for the start of the new school year in September. This fee also holds your space as an enrolled child. If we do not receive your supply fee, we cannot guarantee your child space in the fall. All supply fees must be paid a month before the start of the New School Year. Supply fee: $55 for all students. Any child registering after the start of the new school year, from January, you will be charged $35 for supply fees. Note: Supply fees are not a registration fee. School Year: September to May Summer June-August 30th Summer we will have a summer curriculum focus and outreach efforts.

5 Holidays and Closings

CSH is closed for the following Holidays: New Years Eve and New Years Day Martin L. King Birthday Good Friday Memorial Day 4th of July Week Labor Day Veterans Day (School workday Thanksgiving Day (Thursday-Friday) Christmas Week School work days are important for training and staying informed for your childrens care. Therefore, there may be other special/early closings. You will be notified two/one week in advance.

6 Hours of Operation:
Our facility opens at 7am Monday-Friday. We close at 5:30pm. Please pick up your child at the schedule time. If this cannot be done due to an emergency, please notify us immediately. If you know in advance, please let us know and make arrangements. Your child is expected to be in school regularly. He or she needs to be in by 9:30am if they are going to attend that day. If you have a doctors appointment let us know ahead of time. We ask that your child arrive by noon (due to appointments) so you do not disturb our nap schedule. A full-day care day is normally a 9 hour day. You are allowed approximately 30 min. prior and after your work schedule within our hours of operation. No child should remain in day care longer than 10 hours a day.

7 Discipline Policy
CSH follows the guidelines and policies defined by the North Carolina Division of Child Development. Our main objective is to provide consistent praise, positive reinforcement, and encouragement as a means to manage classroom behavior.

When a child becomes disruptive, we redirect the child as a first attempt of correction. An age minute time out is then implemented to give the child time to re-think his/her behavior if necessary. The child is then allowed to join the group activities. As an extension of your home we are here to work with you in training the child in the way that is right. If your childs situation continues we will conference the parent to work out a home and school reinforcement to promote more appropriate behavior. The teacher/school has the authority to administer discipline according to policy. We expect children to obey their authorities. When they do not they will be placed in time out. Three times will warrant a call to the parent. Three times (having to call the parent) with this behavior will jeopardize his/her or her enrollment. Physical aggression from a child to authority will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal. (Actions include intentionally hitting, kicking, cursing, biting, or spitting). We do recognize that children will push, fight, bite, and play rough with one another intentionally or not. We know that in many cases children do not want to physically hurt another child or authority. Sometimes children do not understand that they have hurt another person. We work to model acceptable and appropriate behavior for children. We also help them to learn words to express their feelings and giving them tools to resolve conflicts; however, continued physical and verbal aggression will not be tolerated and has to be understood it is grounds for dismissal.

8 Communication
We understand the importance of communication. Your child has his/her own file in their classroom. Your information will be put in their file for you to pick up at the end of the day. This will include receipts and letters for your information. We consider your information personal and are not shared among parents. Your information is placed properly with your/childs name. Please check daily.

9 Administering Medication
It is our option by law not to or administer medication; in doing so it must be with a written permission form from the parent, physician, or other authorized health professional. Please use the forms provided at the school for this purpose. No drug or medication may be administered to any child without specific written instructions for the childs parent, a physician, or other authorized health professional. Written authorization must give the childs name, the specific name of the medicine, dosage instructions, the parents signature, and the date signed.

Prescription medications must be in the original containers bearing the pharmacists label. It can be given only to the person for whom it is prescribed and whose name appears on the label. We can only give medications in accordance to written instructions. We can only give for a medical reason. No non-medical reasons, such as to make them sleep will not be permitted. The label for any medication must have written instructions, if there are no instructions on the label, the medicine must be accompanied by written instructions for (named medicine) dosage, which includes the childs name, and are dated and signed by the prescribing physician or other health professional. Any conflicts of label directions will be administered. *No medication with be administered that states as needed. Over the counter, medications will not be administered.

10 Abuse and Neglect

We are required by law to report any signs of abuse and neglect. All reports are made through the Department of Social Services Protective Service Unit.

11 Inclement Weather
We are a home facility, also a professional business. Our operations are expected to be carried out in that manner. We take all aspects of the business in careful consideration. During inclement weather, we will air out information on the news station Channel 5 WRAL which will appear as Childrens Safari HolliDay-Care. Your child and your safety is our first consideration in our decisions.

12 Outside Play
We will go outside daily, weather permitting. State regulations are implemented for warm weather and Cold weather. Warm Weather: If temperature is 92 or above (15 min limit) Cold Weather: If temperature is 50 or above (daily schedule implemented) 40-49 degrees (15 min limit) 39 or below (no outside play) with the exception of a short walk for flesh air, short period of time must be provided hot or cold weather. Please be reminded these are state regulations. If for some reason you do not want your child outside you must make other arrangements for his/her care that day.

13 Nutrition
We acknowledge the importance of a well-balanced diet for young children, therefore; CSH serves a breakfast and afternoon snack and a full lunch. If you feel your child will need something prior to our schedule, please give to him or her before he/she arrives. They are not allowed to enter the school with food items. If you choose to feel your child prior, we request that you do not give your child unhealthy or sugary items before they arrive and please let us know what they have had upon arrival. Menus are posted weekly on your information board at the school. Our menus are approved by the state. Please inform us of any dietary needs your child has. We will try to accommodate their needs. If we cannot provide the right items, you will need to provide them for your child; these exceptions are based on health and medical reasons or lifestyle choices such as a vegetarian.

Sample Menu (Wk. 1: (Wk.1)

Menus Breakfast

Cheerio/Cereal, Fruit & Milk Water Turkey/Ham Sandwiches, Carrot Sticks, Fruit & Milk

Pancakes, Fruit & Milk Water Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, Fruit & Milk

Eggs & Toast, Fruit & Milk Water Chicken Nuggets, Veggies, Bread, Fruit & Milk

Cereal, Fruit & Milk Water Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Bread, Fruit & Milk Goldfish Crackers & Juice

Waffles, Fruit, & Milk Water Pizza Salad, Fruit, & Milk

Lunch Afternoon

Cheese & Crackers & Juice

Bananas & Juice

Oatmeal bar & Juice

Pretzels & Juice

14 Tuition
Our tuition is based on a weekly rate. All weekly fees must be paid in advance, due on Monday of each week. A $5 fee will be applied if not paid on time. There is a $30 fee on return check. If you have two checks returns you are subject to cash, money order or certified check for all future payments. All payments must be given to the director/facility owners. Age 3mos.- 24mos 2 children Tuition $190 $160 $10 off oldest

We do not prorate the weekly tuition because of closings for absences, inclement weather conditions, nor for holidays. Late Fees If you are late picking up your child you will be charged a late fee. Late fee is $5 for the first 110min. After 10 min. you will be charged an additionl $1 per min. Each enrolled child is charged a full tuition absent or present, even in the event of vacations, sickness, holidays, inclement weather, etc.
Hours of Operation The facility opens at 7:00am Monday-Friday. We close each day at 5:45pm unless weather condition exist that would are such that necessitate earlier closing. Please adhere to your childs pick up time. If there is an emergency, please notify your childs school. Arrival: we do ask all children that are coming to be present by 9:30am if they will be attending that day. If you are going to be absent or tardy for any reason you need to contact us. Start time is critical so the children can be involved in their daily activities and to start their curriculum. This aids in their adjustment of the routine of the schedule and reduce interruptions planned classroom schedules. We allow late arrival for doctors appointments, dentist appointments, etc. if notified in advance. We ask that the child arrive by noon and if after our

scheduled lunch that they are fed before arrival. A normal full days care for a child is normally nine (9hrs). You are allowed a 30min before and after your work schedule. No child can remain in the school beyond 10 hours a day.

15 Discipline Policy (important)

We follow the recommended guidelines and policies defined by the North Carolina Division of Chidl Development. Our main objective is to provide consistent praise, positive reinforcement, and encouragement as a means to manage classroom behavior. When disruptive classroom situations occur, redirecting the child is first attempt. A limited ageminute time out is then implemented to give the child time to re-think his/her behavior if necessary. Then the child is allowed to re-enter the classroom activities. The Childrens Safari consider ourselves to be an aid and an extension of your home and we wish to work with you Children must obey their teacher. (And the staff of the school) When they do not they are placed in time out. When a child receives three time outs in a day, he/she will be brought out and parent will be notified. Three warning of major discipline places your childs enrollment in jeopardy. Physical aggression from a child to a teacher or staff as well as other children will to be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal. This includes intentionally hitting, kicking, cursing, biting or spitting. We understand and recognize that children will push, fight, bite and play rough with each other, whether it is intentional or not. We know that children do not want to physically hurt another child. Many times children dont understand when they hurt another person. We work to model acceptable and appropriate behaviors for children, helping them to learn words to express their feelings and giving tools to resolve conflicts with our help. However, continued physical aggression from child to child will not be tolerated and is grounds for dismissal. We will make the best decision for your child and other children as well as the school. *A copy of discipline and behavior management policy is provided in your package to complete and return for our files.

16 Arrival and Departure, Authorized Pick-up

Do not leave your vehicle running or a younger sibling in the automobile at arrival or departure. All children must be taken into the school by the parent or an adult and sign-in/notify the provider of arrival. Children must be picked up by a parent or guardian.

Authorized Pick up: You will note that there is a place on your childs application for the listing of person permitted to pick up your child for the facility. This is a very important requirement for the safety of your child and the school. Please list all persons who might be picking up your child. If you know in advance of another person picking up let us know in advance. If a person shows up that we have not seen and can ID as a person to pick the child up your child will not be release and you will be called. Please let them know that we ID them and to bring proper ID. (Drivers License) Please notify the school of any custody arrangements. Late Charges are apply at late pick up. If you are late come prepared to pay your late fee at pick up or in the morning or your child will not enter the class for the day. To avoid late charges please pick up your child on time daily. Be courteous to your care provider. If a parent is extremely late in the time frame of 45min to an hour the local authorities will be notified to pick your child up. Please notify us of any emergencies. Hours are 7-5:30; 5:31 is late. A late fee of $10 will apply from 5:31-5:45pm. At 5:46 $1.00 per minute will be assessed. We are her to serve you in your day care needs with sincere love. We strive to do things in excellence professionally. Our ultimate goal is to know that we close each day we the assurance of a job well done in caring for Gods most precious gifts to the union of parents your child.

17 Clothing, Personal Belongings and Supplies

Please dress your child comfortable. The clothing should not restrict participation in the daily activities such as playground times and moving. Shoes: We prefer children do not wear open toed shoes; sneakers are most supportive and safer. If your child wears a shoe that we feel that is not safe, they will be restricted from participating in certain activities. Outside: Dress your child appropriately for outdoor play every day. Label: Jackets, coats, sweater, and other items that might be removed during the day. Accessories: Children should not wear beads and small barrettes in their hair that they or other children could remove and put in their mouth. ***They are not allowed to bring other items including play items from home with the exception of a request by the school for special times such as show and tell.

Every child must have extra clothing (all items should be placed in a Ziploc bag). Two sets of extra clothing is needed for your child if potty training. Please place your childs clothing in a gallon sized Ziploc bag and write his/her name on the bag. In event your child does not have extra clothes at the school you will be notified and extra clothes that the school has will be put on your child. You will be charge a fee for the clothes of $10. Diaper and Pull-up and Wipes are provided by the parents for those not yet potty trained. If they are potty training please send extra underwear. Please do not start your child too early, nor go back and forth once training starts. This tends to confuse the child.

17.1 Daily Schedule

7:00-8:00am 8:00-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-9:40 9:40-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-12:00 12:00-2:00 2:00-2:30 2:30-2:45 3:00 3:30 4:00-5 5:00-5:30 Arrival/Free Play Potty/ Table top Activities Morning Snack Clean up Good Morning/Circle time Lesson/table activity Outside Play Potty/Lunch Prep Lunch/Clean-up Nap Wake-up/Potty Snack Center Outside Play Rotating Center Play Free Play

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