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Answer to Q1
The most recent Rover to land is the Curiosity th August 2012) (6
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What is the name of the most recent Rover to land on Mars?


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Answer to Q2 Mars has 2 moons (Phobos and Deimos)

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How many moons does Mars have?


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Answer to Q3
NASA are looking for water as this is the key element that may mean something will grow here or humans could live here.
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Which important element are NASA trying to find evidence of on Mars? Why?

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Answer to Q4
There are just over 24 hours in a day on Mars- roughly the same as Earths!
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What is peculiar about the number of hours in a Martian day?


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Answer to Q5
The telescope was first used to observe Mars in the 1600s.

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In which century did humans first observe Mars in the night sky with a telescope?

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Answer to Q6
Olympus Mons- almost three times the height of Mount Everest at 22,000 kilometres!
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What is the name of the tallest Volcanic mountain in the Solar System and is on Mars?

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Answer to Q7
Water! The water combines with the heat of the hot lava flow to create steam.
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Small jets of steam shooting out of the ground suggest the existence of what on Mars?

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Answer to Q8
National Aeronautics & Space Administration
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The team leading these missions to Mars are called NASA. What do these letters stand for?

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Answer to Q9
USA NASA took images with the Mariner 4 in July 1965
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9 According to the history of Mars Exploration, which nation were the first to fly by Mars? a. USA b. UK c. Russia

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