Grade: Shorts

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1. Hello!

You answer:
A) Good morning B) Good night C) Good afternoon
D) Hello E) Good bye
2. This is an.
A) apple B) pear C) orange
D) plum E) cherry
3. This is a.
A) doctor B) teacher C) friend
D) girl E) boy
4. The blackboard is..
A) red B) white C) pink D) black E) orange
5. I am. years old. (8)
A) fve B) seven C) three D) twelve E) eight
6. Her is red.
A) blouse B) shirt C) skirt D) dress E) shorts
7. She has got a puppy. It`s ..puppy.
A) my B) his C) our D) her E) its
8. Translate: Mary are trei mere.
A) Mary have got three apples.
B) Mary has got free apples.
C) Mary has got three apples.
D) Mary haven`t got three apples.
E) Mary hasn`t got three apples.

9. Odd-one-out:
A) fox B) mouse C) dog D) bird E) elephant
10. How are you?
A) Yes B) No C) I am nine years old.
D) I`m fne, thanks. E) I`m John.
11. Doris is.
A) sad B) nervous C) happy D) angry E) tired
12. Translate: BRBAI
A) men B) man C) mens D) mans E) woman
13. This car is here, that car is.
A) there B) in C) on D) out E) after
14. Translate: Ppua mea este frumoas.
A) The doll is beautiful. B) Doll is beautiful. C) My doll is beautiful.
D) The my doll is beautiful. E) My dolls are beautiful.
15. We have a new house. It`
A) my B) his C) our D) yours E) their

1. What`s this?
A) a balloon B) an balloon C) a ball D) an orange E) a book
3. We all.a lot of homework to do.
A) have B) are C) is D) has E) dont
5. Translate: Sunt multe albine n grdin.
A) Is many bees in garden. B) Are many bees in garden.
C) There are many bees in the garden. D) There is many bees in the garden.
E) There are much bees in the garden.
7. Put into interrogative: He loves his wife.
A) Do he love his wife? B) Does he loves his wife?
C) Does he love`s his wife? D) Is he love his wife?
E) Does he love his wife?
9. They are old, they are not .
A) happy B) sad C) young D) here E) there
10. Find the word: I, L, U, P, P
A) people B) pupil C) pocket D) part E) play
8. A..takes care of patients.
A) teacher B) engineer C) policeman D) doctor E) pupil
2. What`s the weather?
A) as B) so C) like D) fne E) is
4. .. he come from Italy?
A) is B) does C) do D) isnt E) dont
6. Where is the policeman?
A) He is under the car. B) He is on the car.
C) He is in the car. D) He is in front of the car.
E) He is near the car.
11. Odd-one-out:
A) January B) February C) March D) September E) April
12. Have you got brothers or sisters?
A) Yes, he has. B) No, I haven`t. C) Yes, you have.
D) Yes, I do. E) No, I don`t.
13. Translate: tiu s joc fotbal.
A) I can play football. B) I play football. C) I want to play football.
D) I don`t play football. E) I am playing football.
14. Anybody missing? No, everybody ..present.
A) are B) arent C) is D) isnt E) can
15. Halloween is on the:
A) 14
of February B) 1
of January C) 31
of December
D) 31
of October E) 25
of December
16. I .. a book every week.
A) ride B) read C) riding D) reading E) am reading
17. Which animal lives on the farm?
A) the elephant B) the tiger C) the fox D) the cow E) the bear
18. is not in the bedroom.
A) the window B) the bed C) the carpet D) the table E) the blackboard
19. There is my classroom.
A) cat B) bed C) cow D) tiger E) teachers desk
20. We have dinner in the...
A) morning B) evening C) bed D) afternoon E) street
1. This is my brother. He is.
A) handsome B) blue C) a woman D) a girl E) men
2. Wein bed.
A) swim B) sleep C) brush our teeth
D) cook E) pick fowers
3. Choose the incorrect sentence:
A) She works a lot every day. B) She is working now.
C) She usually works from 8a.m. to 4p.m. D) She never work`s late.
E) She always works in that ofce.
4. What is he doing now?
A) He is helping his father. B) He is help his father.
C) He helps his father. D) He help`s his father.
E) He is helps he`s father.
5. Translate: How do you do?
A) Ce mai faci? B) ncntat de cunotin. C) Cum l faci?
D) Cum te descurci? E) Sunt bine, mersi.
6. How many classmates have you got?
A) eiteen B) eeteen C) eightin D) eity E) eighteen
7. Odd-one-out:
A) cat, dog B) milk, tea C) T.V., radio
D) water, window E) desk, teacher`s desk
8. The opposite of happy is:
A) small B) shy C) sad D) smart E) short
9. A vet takes care of..
A) doctors B) pupils C) parents D) animals E) teachers
10. Put into negative: He walks to school daily.
A) He doesn`t walk to school daily. B) He does walk to school daily.
C) He is not walking to school daily. D) He doesn`t walks to school daily.
E) He do`esnt walk to school daily.
11. The colour of her hair is
A) blue B) grey C) reddish D) black E) white
12. At the butcher`s you can buy..
A) vegetables B) meat C) sweets D) paper E) milk
13. Translate: Noi nu cntm la pian azi.
A) We don`t sing the piano today. B) We are not singing at the piano today.
C) We is not singing the piano today. D) We are not playing the piano today.
E) We do play the piano today.
14. The sky is.
A) yellow B) green C) brown D) blue E) black
15. Put the words in order: NEVER/ SHE/ LIES/ TELLS
A) She never lies tells B) She tells never lies
C) Never she tells lies D) She lies never tells.
E) She never tells lies
16. These are the.names.
A) children B) children`s C) childrens
D) childrens` E) of the children
17. They have breakfast.
A) at midnight B) at night C) in the morning
D) in the afternoon E) in the evening
18. You need fy to Paris.
A) car B) bike C) boat D) ship E) plane
19. The plural of woman is:
A) women B) womans C) woman D) men E) man
20. Translate: Ea de obicei bea cafea dar azi bea ceai.
A) She is drinking cofee and tea.
B) She usually drinks cofee but today she is drinking tea.
C) She usually drinks but today she is drink tea.
D) She not drink cofee, she drink tea.
E) She never drinks cofee, she drinks tea.
1. Mary has many dolls. They aredolls
A) my B) your C) her D) our E) their
2. Translate: Sunt trei banane pe mas.
A) There is three bananas on the table. B) There are three bananas on the table.
C) Are three bananas on the table. D) Are tree bananas on the table.
E) Are three banana on the table.
3. Mary and Jane are born at the same time on the same day. They are
A) brothers B) cousins C) twins D) neighbours E) sextuplets
4. The girl is .. two cats.
A) in front of B) under C) on D) between E) among
5. The Dalmatian has got many.
A) stripes B) spots C) tails D) feathers E) furs
6. England is in.
A) America B) The U.K. C) Scotland D) Wales E) Romania
7. My aunt lives in Greece. She is.
A) Spanish B) Greece C) Greek D) Turkish E) Italian
8. Translate: Ascult-m!
A) Talk to me! B) Listen me! C) Listening me!
D) Listen to me! E) Listening to me!
9. have you got in your pocket?
A) many B) more C) a few D) most E) much
10. Welcome.Romania!
A) in B) to C) towards D) on E) at
11. How do you do? means:
A) Ce mai faci? B) Ce mai facei? C) Ce faci azi?
D) ncntat de cunotin. E) Ce faci?
12. . boxes are here,.. boxes are there.
A) this, that B) these, that C) these, those D) these, this E) that, those
13. Translate: Intenionez s vorbesc cu dl. Brown.
A) I will talk to Mr. Brown. B) I am going to call Mr. Brown.
C) I am going to talk to Mr. Brown. D) I talked to Mr. Brown.
E) I am talking to Mr. Brown.
14. I need a rest means:
A) Am nevoie de rest. B) Am nevoie de mruni.
C) Am nevoie de odihn. D) Am nevoie de resturi.
E) Am nevoie de bnui.
15. My problem is important than yours.
A) less B) little C) least D) few E) a few
16. What`s the..with Doris?
A) mother B) matter C) metter D) mutter E) meter
17. It`s (7: 45).
A) seven to a quarter B) a quarter past seven C) a quarter to eight
D) half past seven E) eight minus a quarter
18. Translate: It is raining cats and dogs.
A) Plou cu cini i pisici. B) Plou cu fulgere.
C) Plou cu trsnete. D) Plou ncet.
E) Plou cu gleata.
19. This prize is
A) you B) mine C) he D) him E) my
20. A synonym for eventually is:
A) fnally B) if C) in case D) whether E) all right

1. I am .and I speak
A) romanian, Romanian B) Romanian, romanian C) Romania, romanian
D) Romanian, Romanian E) Romanian, Romania
3. The simple past form of the verb bring is:
A) bringed B) brough C) bring D) brought E) bought
2. The synonym for suddenly is:
A) all of a sudden B) always C) never D) sometimes E) seldom

4. Translate: Ce ai dori, domnule?
A) What do you do, sir? B) What are you wanting, sir?
C) What will you want, sir? D) What want you, sir?
E) What would you like, sir?
5. .book is this?
A) when B) why C) who`s D) whose E) how`s
6. I like playing the violin means:
A) mi place vioara B) mi place s m joc cu vioar
C) mi place s cnt la vioar D) mi place s joc jocuri despre vioar
E) mi place s vorbesc despre vioar.
7. Choose the correct sentence:
A) He never tells lies. B) He doesn`t never tell lies.
C) He doesn`t never tells lies. D) He never tell lies.
E) He never doesn`t tell lies.
8. Odd-one-out:
A) thought B) brought C) bought D) bring E) caught
9. He`s .. than John.
A) smart B) smartest C) smarter D) more smart E) most smart
10. Translate: Ascultam muzic n timp ce ea dansa.
A) I was listening music while she was dancing.
B) I listened to music while she was dancing.
C) I listened to music while she danced.
D) I was listening to music while she was dancing.
E) I were listening to music while she were dancing.
11. Choose the incorrect variant: It is.
A) rainy B) snowy C) sunny D) foggy E) sleepy
12. I wonder:
A) Are all sheep white? B) Is all sheep white?
C) Are all sheeps white? D) Are all the sheeps white?
E) Do all sheep are white?
13. Can I help you, sir? You answer:
A) I want sugar. B) Yes, I want sugar.
C) Yes, I`d like some sugar. D) No, I don`t want.
E) No, you don`t.
14. Find one mistake: This cake is tasting sour.
A) this B) cake C) is D) is tasting E) sour
15. Translate: Ea a furat banii.
A) She stole the money. B) She has stolen the money.
C) She has stolen the moneys. D) She steal the money.
E) She steals the money.
16. First she got on a bus and then she.
A) got out B) got of C) gets out D) gets of E) will get of
17. I am very cute today,.?
A) am I? B) am I not? C) is it? D) aren`t I? E) are you?
18. She is .....and she will always be this way.
A) the best B) good C) better D) gooder E) the bester
19. Mary likes English and.
A) Doris too B) Doris as well C) such does Doris D) so does Doris E) so do Doris
20. It is aof fact that she has lied to her parents.
A) thing B) matter C) lie D) true E) problem
1. Translate: Nu mai vzuse o stafe niciodat.
A) He has never seen a ghost. B) He had never seen a ghost.
C) He never saw a ghost. D) He hadn`t never seen a ghost.
E) He hadn`t seen a ghost never.
3. Addicted means:
A) sad B) worried C) astonished D) dependent E) independent
2. Surfng is one of the world`s most popular.sports.
A) air B) skiing C) water D) climbing E) dancing
4. Odd-one-out:
A) has become B) has seen C) has caught D) has spend E) has heard
5. This is a verysituation indeed.
A) unpleasant B) impleasant C) inpleasant D) not leasant E) unpleasantly
6. I don`t care about that problem and..
A) nor you B) not you C) either don`t you
D) either do you E) neither do you.
7. Complete with the right tense: After he (get) home, he phoned his wife.
A) got B) had got C) gets D) has got E) is getting
8. If you (tell) anyone about it, I won`t be your friend anymore.
A) tell B) told C) had told D) tells E) will tell
9. Charles Dickens is:
A) an American writer B) an English writer C) a German writer
D) a Romanian writer E) an Italian writer
10. Turn into negative: He always goes to bed at 10 p.m.
A) He always doesn`t go to bed at 10 p.m. B) He never doesn`t go to bed at 10 p.m.
C) He never goes to bed at 10 p.m. D) He often goes to bed at 10 p.m.
E) Does he always go to bed at 10 p.m.
11. Find the verb that is in the Present Perfect tense:
A) he forgot B) he has forget C) he has forgotten
D) he forgets E) he had forgotten
12. Find the mistake: His neighbour was never been there.
A) neighbour B) been C) there D) was E) his.
13. Look there in the street! I (see) an old man lying there!
A) see B) am seeing C) saw D) am see E) seen
16. The 2
type conditional of If I go there, I will give you a call is:
A) If I goes there, I will give you a call. B) If I went there, I will give you a call.
C) If I went there, I`d give you a call. D) If I would go there I gave you a call.
E) If I went there, I would have given you a call.
17. The name of the famous square in London is:
A) Traftti Square B) Grafti Square C) Piccadilly Square
D) Trafalgar Square E) Trafalgar Circus
18. The synonym of can`t stand (somebody) is:
A) can`t put up with B) can`t put on C) can`t put in
D) can`t put above E) can`t put under
19. I can`t stand being lied to. . can I.
A) neither B) either C) nor D) so E) not
20. Translate: Podul este construit acum.
A) The bridge is building now. B) The bridge is built now.
C) The bridge builds now. D) The bridge is being built now.
E) The bridge is been built now.
14. Translate: un tnr cu picioare lungi
A) a long legs man B) a long legged young man
C) a long legs young man D) a young man with legs
E) a man young with legs long
15. The antonym of poor is:
A) anonymous B) sad C) healthy D) rich E) annoyed

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