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Written by Sheri Crawford Western culture, politically speaking, -- your freedom to lobby, raise funds, write letters to your Representatives, and the liberty you have to get involved or not to, is uncommon in most other countries. By refusing to take advantage of and exercise these privileges, you are contributing to the loss of your Western culture. In the not-so-distant future, you might find yourselves faced with a new political regime; one in which you have NO right to voice your opinion to Congress, NO right to voice your thoughts, and no right of expression via social media, i.e., Twitter, Facebook, etc. Even now when you speak out you are labeled a racist, or worse. At some point in time you might even be hauled off to a facility for psychological evaluation and forceful indoctrination for expressing your views. Meanwhile, our so-called diverse society, touted by the progressives, the neo-cons and their media as the strength of our country, will in fact, be one ethnic group pitted against the other, battling in the streets for a piece of the stolen, or given away by the complacent historical, dismantled American dream - - soon to be YOUR nightmare, and governments dream come true. It is well orchestrated with a boundless set of circumstances and issues, including, but not

limited to indoctrinating, rather than educating the young; collapsing the economy; the annihilation of the First and Second Amendments; staging certain events to lead the brainwashed into further delusion; encouraging immigration with abundant benefits to undeserved throngs of people with different cultures, histories, mindsets, and an entirely different agenda than the immigrants who once came here to assimilate and contribute. This new so-called immigrant, rather invader, is a militant, vocal, well-funded, well-organized opportunist who shouts out his demands, while most Americans sit back in passivity cheering on the Dodgers, or drooling over Desperate Housewives. While your quality of life is being fiercely eroded, our government gives them the red velvet carpet treatment, and most Americans still, are apathetic. The majority of American people are so utterly brainwashed, that they dont even blink at how their children are being educated; or foresee the ultimate effects that the unstable economy will ultimately bring; or the significance of the First and Second Amendments; or that our government, by design, has enticed a Third World culture here to replace ours via immigration. And, they dont imagine the scope of civil unrest that is around the corner. All of this is happening at such a tremendous rate, that you wont be able to challenge, or cope with, the result of the transformation that is taking place. You are riding on the laurels of your forefathers; of men who fought and died in wars for you; of men and women who toiled and suffered for the freedoms, which you enjoy. This freedom is being compromised by your GOVERNMENT, who encourages whatever it takes to bring this country to its knees.

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