Annotated Bibliography Part 1

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Works Cited Secondary Sources Davey, Monica. The Car That Changed America. SIRS.

New York Times Upfront, 11 Feb. 2008. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. RTICLE%3BART%3B0000273118 The Model T was an affordable car. The cost went from around $850 and later dropped to around $300. By the late 1920s, 15 million Model T cars were sold. After a couple of years Henry Ford released another model. This is useful because it shows the progress of the Ford Model T as time passed on. Davis, Mike. Ford Timeline: 1863-1943. The Car Connection. High Gear Media, 2003. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Henry Ford is born in 1863. In 1906 Henry Ford becomes owner of Ford Company. In 1908 the Model T is made. In 1914 he gives the workers $5 every eight hours. In 1943 Henry Ford dies. This tells information on Henry Ford and the Model T. Davis, Tamra. Ford, Henry. World Book Student. World Book, 2012. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Henry Ford was born on July 30 1863 in Michigan. He organized the Ford Motor Company in 1903. Henry Ford created the Ford Model T in 1908. He started creating other models later on. These are the accomplishments of Henry Ford.

Harris, Laurie Lanzen. Henry Ford. SIRS. BIOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS--INVENTORS, 2006. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. RTICLE%3BART%3B0000261489 Henry ford was born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan. When he was young he was interested in machinery. He would take apart toys and see how they work. Also he would fix clocks/watches for friends, family and neighbors. Later on in life he started his own businesses. This is important because it shows how he got into machinery which led to creating the Ford Model T. Rausch, Monica. Henry Ford and the Model T Car. New York City: Weekly Reader, 2007. Print. Inventors And Their Discoveries. The Ford Model T is the first car with an engine. The person who made it was Henry Ford. After the first Model T was made, Henry Ford made many other models. At first the cost was $850 and later on it cost $300. The Ford Model T is new way that people traveled. This information provides the knowledge of the car when it came out.

Schlager, Neil, and Josh Lauer. Model T: The Car for the Masses. Gale. Science and Its Times, 2001. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. PS=true&prodId=GPS&userGroupName=laur38113&tabID=T001&searchId=R1&result ListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSearchForm&currentP osition=1&contentSet=GALE%7CCV2643450688&&docId=GALE|CV2643450688&do cType=GALE&role=SCIC The Ford Model T was made in fall of 1908. It had a 20 horsepower engine. Henry Ford sold 11,000 cars from 1908-1909. By 1913 Henry Ford had 7,000 dealers selling his cars. This data was important because it provided people knowledge of the car and the selling process. Smith, S.E. What Is a Ford Model T? Ed. Nancy Fann-Im. Wise Geek. Conjecture, n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Different models of the original Model T were made between the years of 1908-1927. The car was made to travel on steep grades and treacherous terrain. Many American residents were able to buy it since it was affordable for the middle class. The assembly line helped increase the production of cars. This gives information on the car.

Sorensen, Charles. Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908. Eyewitnesses to History. Ibis Communications, 2005. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. The Ford Model T was made in 1908. At first it cost $825 and then it decreased to $300. By March 1908 they were ready to announce the Ford Model t. Henry Ford made the assembly line because it sped up the car making process. This gives us knowledge on the car and the assembly line. Wiley, John. Sample Material. Model T Ford Club of America. Byron Preiss Visual, 1996. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. In 1863 Henry Ford was born in Dearborn, Michigan. He invented the Ford Model T. On May 26, 1927 the 15th million Ford model t rolled off. Henry Ford gave his workers $5 every eight hours. This gives us information about the Ford Model Ts background. Winfield, Barry. Ford Motor Company. World Book Student. World Book, 2012. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Ford Motor Company is one of the worlds biggest automotive company. Ford headquarters is located in Dearborn, Michigan. The company was founded by Henry Ford. In 1956 Ford Foundations gave the public 10,200,000 shares of their stock. In 1956 the Ford Motor Company became a publicly owned company. This information gives us knowledge on the Ford Motor Company.

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