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Smith 7th Grade GATE Social Studies

Subject: Teacher: Second Semester 7th Grade GATE Social Studies Mr. Francis Smith, Room 116, Periods 2 and 3

Spring, 2013

About the Teacher: My name is Francis Smith, and this semester I will be student teaching for Mrs. Gershweirs 7th Grade GATE Social Studies course at Alice Vail Middle School. I graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a BA in History and Russian and am currently working on my Masters of Education at the University of Arizona. I am very excited to work with all of you to discover the forces in American history after the Civil War that led to Americas entrance into WWII! Textbook: American Journey Textbooks will be available in class and at home for homework assignments.

Units Covered: US in a Global Age (1895-1929) Growth of American Imperialism US Expanding Role in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries US Involvement in WWI Phases of World Political Development in the WWI Era Domestic and Foreign Outcomes of WWI Great Depression and WWII (1928-1945) Economic Policies and Factors Leading to the Great Depression Impact of Natural and Manmade Crises of the Great Depression Economic Choices Relating to Individuals, Markets and Industries New Deal Programs Economic Recovery from the Great Depression: WWIIs Impact Pearl Harbor and US involvement in WWII Classroom Expectations: We will expect of each other the following: Be on time and prepared for class (social studies notebook, pen/pencil, open mind) Be respectful of everyones opinion and personal space Be accountable for work due (if you have a problem that prevents you from completing an assignment on time, let me know in advance!) and turn it in to the 7th Grade basket Begin bell-work before the second bell rings

Mr. Smith 7th Grade GATE Social Studies

Behavioral Consequences:
Level/Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 Positive Behavior Verbal Praise Falcon Buck Call Home One late homework Two late homeworks Negative Behavior Verbal Warning Second Verbal Warning Lunch Detention Call Home Parent/Teacher Conference

Spring, 2013

Classroom Procedures: All Alice Vail Middle School policies will be enforced. In addition: Absences: You will be expected to contact your study buddy if you are absent and complete work due on time or by the first day that you return to class Tardies: Each tardy will result in lost bell-work, which will lower your grade proportionally when I collect your social studies notebook (2x per month). Grading Policy:
Homework Bell-work Participation Tests Projects 10% 20% 10% 30% 30% A B C D F 90%-100% 80%-89% 70%-79% 60%-69% 0%-59%

*Extra Credit: Each week you will be given the opportunity to provide me with an abstract (2 paragraphs) on a newspaper article that covers a current event occurring outside of the United States for an additional 5 points.

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please sign and return this slip to confirm your knowledge of and agreement with the policies of your childs 7th Grade Social Studies course.

I have read and agree to the policies listed in this document. _____________________________ Signature _________ Date

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