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ESEA: Impact Aid Payments for Children with

FY 2007 Program Performance Report

Strategic Goal 2
ESEA, Section 8003(d)
Document Year 2007 Appropriation: $49,466
CFDA 84.041: Impact Aid

Program Goal: To provide appropriate financial assistance for federally connected

school districts
Objective 1 of 2: Make payments in a timely manner.
Measure 1.1 of 1: The percentage of eligible applicants who receive initial Impact Aid Children with Disabilities pay
appropriation. (Desired direction: increase) 1841
Year Target
(or date expected)
2005 94 Measure not in
2006 90 87 Did Not Meet T
2007 90 94 Target Exceede
2008 90 (December 2008) Pending
2009 90 (December 2009) Pending
Source. U.S. Department of Education, Impact Aid Payments for Children with Disabilities, Impact Aid
data system.
Frequency of Data Collection. Annual
Explanation. Several FY 2006 applications selected for field reviews required extended time to resolve
data issues. This resulted in payment delays for those applicants. A technical adjustment in the method of
calculating this measure also partially explains the decline from 2005. For FY 2007 payments, the
Department will further focus on making initial payments in a timely manner.

Objective 2 of 2: Make accurate payments.

Measure 2.1 of 1: The number of requests to forgive overpayments of Impact Aid Children with Disabilities paymen
Year Target
(or date expected)
2005 2 Measure not in p
2006 10 4 Did Better Than
2007 10 (December 2007) Pending
2008 10 (December 2008) Pending
2009 10 (December 2009) Pending
Frequency of Data Collection. Annual

U.S. Department of Education 1 11/02/2007

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