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Monday, February 4, 13

The battle of Trenton The battle of Princeton The battle of Saratoga Winter at Valley Forge The battle of Yorktown Treaty of Paris Marquis de Lafayette Did you know? slide

Monday, February 4, 13


It happened on December 26, 1776 It took place in Trenton New Jersey The Hessians were helping the British On Christmas Day General Washington drove the army across the Delaware River, In the the early morning General Washington got had 18 cannons for a surprise attack, he needed to push his soldiers and tell them that they could do it. The Hessians were surprised and werent ready because they were tired from the Christmas they had had, in a hours the battle was over the Continental army had won. The Continental army learned that you need to keep your head up, they were the underdogs the whole battle.
Monday, February 4, 13


It took place in Princeton, New Jersey It happened on January 3rd, 1777 Washington sneaked his troops around to Princeton where Washington defeated Cornwallis When Cornwallis retreated the Continental army didnt follow Cornwallis said: I will take Washington as a hunter bags a fox. These 2 battles saved the war for the Continental army

Monday, February 4, 13


The battle of Saratoga took place in Saratoga The battle wasnt close, the British lost about 600 soldiers The Americans were shooting very well and killed many redcoats Howe was the commander of all the British armies Burgoyne served for Howe and eventually became the commander of the British army in Canada. Howe who was coming from New York city and Burgoyne coming from Canada they would meet half way at the Hudson River, but Howe didnt get the orders right away, so he couldnt move in time. Howe couldnt come Burgoyne lost The battle was a good win for the Continental army.

It happened on October 17, 1777

Monday, February 4, 13


It happened in 1778 in the winter Many people died because of the cold horrible weather People started to get angry at Washington because he had put them in the cold Pennsylvania, in a place called Valley Forge. Women came to the camp including Martha Washington to knit socks, repair clothing, and make shirts. They had run out of supplies. They had poor food, cold weather, and hard lodging this was tough on the army.Baron von Steuben joined the army exactly when they needed soldiers, he was a Prussian officer with battlefield experience. He was put in charge of the Continental armies training. He thought them to fight and how to use their weapons. He became the major general.

Monday, February 4, 13


It happened in 1781. This was the battle that decided who won the American Revolution. It took place in Yorktown. Washington was convenient with his army, the army was convenient with themselves, and they were ready too, these were key factors for Continental army.

Cornwallis had retreated to Yorktown, Virginia. Gen. George Washington expected victory. At night on October 16, Cornwallis tried to cross the York River, but a storm came and they couldnt cross. Cornwallis surrendered, on October 19 his troops became prisoners of the Continental army. Cornwallis was embarrassed of the loss so he didnt go to the ceremony.
Monday, February 4, 13


John Jay, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin went to France to sign the Treaty of Paris. It happened in Paris It happened in 1783 when the 3 men signed the treaty. The 2 Johns and Ben Franklin made independence happen, they, were probably scared that maybe the treaty wouldnt work out. The treaty just described that America would now have independence.

The United States got more land.

The United States was officially done with war after it was signed. America was probably start new laws and new things to follow.

All of the Britains soldiers left America.

America had independence!

Monday, February 4, 13

He was a general who came from Paris and his dad died when he was 2. He was like one of Washingtons sons. He was very smart. He was wounded in battle He was a very smart man He was trapped at one point by many Red Coats surrounding the hill he and his troops were on. He came up with a clever plan. He sent his troops to go in the woods and when he told them come to the edge of the woods and shoot, then go back in, then come to the edge of the woods, then go back in. It made it look like there were tons of troops in the woods, and Marquis de Lafayette sneaked his troops out the back of the woods and escaped.

Monday, February 4, 13


Did you know Marquis de Lafayette was treated very nicely by many people in the army? Did you know it was hard for the Patriots to choose to go into battle even when they were so far ahead in the war? Did you know George Washington was always trying to improve his character?

Monday, February 4, 13

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