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The American Revolution

By Nathan Chang

Monday, February 4, 13

The American Revolution

By Nathan Chang

Monday, February 4, 13

Table of Contents
Battle of Trenton Battle of Princeton Battle of Saratoga Valley Forge Battle of Yorktown Treaty of Paris George Washington

Monday, February 4, 13

Battle of Trenton

When: Began on the 25th of December ended the 26th in 1776 Where: Trenton, New Jersey on the Delaware river The morale of the the Continental army: mad, tired, frustrated, and defeated To inspire the troops: Washington knew the best way was to have a victory so he planned a surprise attack. The outcome: Washingtons army defeated the British army.
Monday, February 4, 13

The Battle of Princeton

When: 3rd January 1777 Where: Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A Washington ordered a group of men to make as much noise as they could so the enemy would think the whole army was there while the real army would sneak up behind and attack them. The moral was high because they won Trenton

Monday, February 4, 13

The Battle of Saratoga

When:17th October 1777 Place: Saratoga on the Hudson River in New York State. Combatants: British and German troops against the Americans. Continental army won! The Britishs plan was to move up South from Canada Generals: Major General John Burgoyne commanded the British and German forces. Major General Horatio Gates and Brigadier Benedict Arnold commanded the American army. The battle was signicant because General Burgoyne surrendered to Horatio Gates. Gates let Burgoyne keep his weapons.

Monday, February 4, 13

Winter at Valley Forge

Took Place In Pennsylvania In The Winter Of 1777 . Washingtons role was leading the troops. Washington suffered with his men and his men wanted to keep following him. The Continental Army survived the winter and they became stronger and more confident. The conditions in the camp were extremely terrible because the winter was severe, but also because the armys supply system had fallen apart. Baron Von Steuben was an officer and trained the troops.

Monday, February 4, 13

Battle of Yorktown
When: On the afternoon of October 19, 1781. British troops of Lord Charles Cornwallis marched out from the fortications of Yorktown, Virginia, and surrendered their arms. The three reasons Washington won: under command of Comte De Grasse with supplies, weapons, and troops The combined American and French forces numbered 16,000 men to 7,500 Comte De Grasses fleet sealed off Yorktown Harbor to prevent the arrival of any British reinforcements by sea.

Monday, February 4, 13

Treaty of Paris
When: January 14, 1783 Where: It was signed at a hotel in Paris called Dyork The United States could not have asked for a more capable trio of diplomats than Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. They also help write the Treaty of Paris. It meant that Great Britain has to recognize us as a independent nation, and also created a border between british land and the U.S.A. The next step was to establish a government and write a constitution.


Monday, February 4, 13

George Washington
On February 22, 1732 George Washington was born. He grew up in Virginia. He loved to sh, swim, and ride horses. He thought very well and efciently. Washington also listened to the people and tried to x whatever problems arose. He died December 14th, 1799, at Mount Vernon,Virginia at 67. Washington was an American general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution. Later George Washington became the rst President of the United States.

Monday, February 4, 13

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