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The West City Village Board met for their regular meeting on Monday, January 7, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was opened by Pres. Charles Cockrum. Roll call of attendance: Pres. Charles Cockrum, present; Shannon Sloan, Temp. Clerk, present; Carol Bates, Treasurer, present; Board Members present: Darren Romani, Curtis Baldwin, Linda Sullivan, Gordon Rice and Ron House, Dale Watkins. Chief of Police Scott Choisser, present; Fire Director, Richard Dale, present, Zoning Administrator; Alan Thomas, present, Ron Giacone, attorney, present, also citizens of West City. Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion to approve the minutes as presented. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Linda Sullivan, I make a motion to approve payments of the bills as presented with the deletion of vouchers 21816-21840 and insert voucher 21897-21921. All Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Darren Romani, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion to approve the expenditure of $200.00 to Beth Smith in connection with West City Promotions. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Curtis Baldwin, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion to accept the Treasures Report as presented. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Clerks Report nothing to report. Zoning Administrators Report - 2 commercial permits, one for Peoples National Bank and one for Circle K Gas Mart. Report was handed out to the Board for review. Police Chief Report it was a very busy year. 16 kids got to shop with a hero. Police report was handed out to the Board for review. Fire Chiefs Report it was a very slow month. A majority of the calls were outside the Village. Mutual aid has increased. In 2012 there were 91 fire calls. The Fire Report was handed out to the Board Members for their review.

St. & Water Dept Report nothing to report. Mayors Report there was a discussion on vacating an alley. Motion by Ron House, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion to pass Ordinance #573 regarding vacating an alley running between lots in the Russell & Neunlists Subdivision. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Darren Romani, second by Ron House, I make a motion to instruct Attorney Ron Giacone to negotiate a 3 year term on the cable franchise with NewWave Cable. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Curtis Baldwin, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion to send Police Chief Scott Choisser and Sergeant Jason Young to the ILEAS conference in Springfield at a cost of $200.00. All Board Members voted yea motion carried Motion by Darren Romani, second by Curt Baldwin, I make a motion to send Police Chief Scott Choisser to the Law Enforcement Summit Conference in Mt. Vernon at a cost of $100.00. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice. I make a motion to purchase a refurbished mic for the dispatch console at the Police Department from Novacom for an amount not to exceed $550.00. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Discussion on personnel and the fire department. Motion by Dale Romani, second by Ron House I make a motion to accept the retirement and resignation as an active volunteer fireman of Nick Lenard from the Village of West City Volunteer Fire Dept Panel. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion to remove Chuck Beddar from the West City Volunteer Fire Dept Panel due to moving out of the district. All Board Members voted yea motion carried.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Curt Baldwin, I make a motion to place 2 volunteer fireman, Jessie Young and Chris Jurgens to the Village of West City Volunteer Fire Dept Roster. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Street & Alley Report discussion on the 2013 Motor Fuel Tax. Motion by Curt Baldwin, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion to accept the MFT Resolution for adopting the appropriation in the amount of $100,000.00. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion to purchase a new set of all terrain tires for the Ford Truck from Plaza Tire and Service in an amount not to exceed $1,043.48 and to keep the old tires. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Discussion on the street sweeping for the Village that will go into effect on March 1, 2013. Motion by Curt Baldwin, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion that the Village of West City enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Benton for the street sweeping services that will go into effect on March 1, 2013. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Discussion on Kansas City Life insurance coverage. This will be further researched and tabled until the next regular Board Meeting. Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Ron House, I make a motion to pass Ordinance #574 creating part time employee panel policy. All Board Members voted ye amotion carried. Discussion on the solid waste removal contract. Motion by Dale Watkins, second By Ron House, I make a motion to pass Resolution # 310 authorizing the residential solid waste collection and disposal contract with CWI. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Utilities discussion on expanding the police Dept which needs more space.

Motion by Ron House, second by Dale Watkins, I make a motion to renovate the Police Department at an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Public Safety nothing to report. Purchasing nothing to report. Motion by Linda Sullivan, second by Curt Baldwin, I make a motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purposes of discussing personnel. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Entered into Executive Session at 7:23pm. Motion by Darren Romani, second by Dale Watkins, I make a motion to adjourn from Executive Session. All Board Members voted yea motion carried. Adjourned from Executive Session at 8:01pm. Roll Call of Attendance: President Charles Cockrum, Attorney Ron Giacone, and Temp Clerk Shannon Sloan, Trustees: Darren Romani, Curt Baldwin, Linda Sullivan, Dale Watkins, Gordon Rice, and Ron House. Also present was Chief of Police Scott Choisser. Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion to adjourn from the regular Board meeting. All Board Members voted yea motion carried.

Charles Cockrum, Pres. Shannon Sloan, Temp Clerk

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