Recipe To Our Meal

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Open the oven to 250 c

4 minets

Clear your workspace and your hands before you start.

5 minuets

Clean the chicken and get rid of the skin.

1 minutes

Put the chicken in the oven

5 minutes

Wait 7 minutes and turn it. Cut it in the middle and check if it is ready. If it is, take it out from the oven. If it is not, wait 5 more minutes and check again.

2 minutes

Put the chicken on nice plate.

Enjoy !

Boil water to 100c

Wash all the vegetables

Cut them to small slices.

Put all the vegetables in the boil water.

Mix them until they will get soft.

Take out the vegetables from the water and out them on a nice plate,

Enjoy !!

Wash all the fruits

Cut them to small pieces.

Put them in one ball and mix them.

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