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Internal Class Project Marketing Management

Section 0 - Group 6
Research on Hobby of the individual (s) with time spent etc
Jan 2013
Group MembersRahul Pagaria Abhijeet Kumar Shubham Singh Sourabh Bajpai Snehasis Pandey Sonam Badwal

Research Brief
Research objective
To analyze HOBBY OF THE INDIVIDUAL with Time spent, across men and women in section O Class of 2014.

Research duration 1 week Challenges In gathering DATA.

Sample size = 53 Sample group demographic details
Males - 32 Females - 21 Age group 20 to 26 years Qualification PGPM 1st year.

Research Methodology
Data collection method -primary information: online survey

Data analysis method -Pie chart, bar graphs.

All the DATA Collected is Through Online Survey & its not Disclosed in Public.

What do you do in your free time?

Hours in a day
Day = 24 hour Week = 168 hour Month = 720 hour Year = 8640 hour If you Spent 0 - 2 hour 730 hour in year 8.5% 2 - 4 hour -1460 hour in year 17% 4 6 hour2190 hour in year 25% Above 6 hour 4340 hour in year 49.5%

Hours spent on daily basis


1460 hour 17%

2190 hour = 25%

Hours spent in weeks

-54.7 % like hanging out vs. watching movies with peers. -35.8 % like watching movies for 49 hour a week- 30% of their Time -24.5 % people like to be with peers for say 105 hour In a week. -there is same proportion for both Movie & Hangout.

Reading vs. Music hours per day

No one spent above 4 hours a day in Reading .

Mens give more excuses

victim of Nail Biting


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