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Under the Patronage of H.E. Eng.

Essam Bin Abdulla Khalaf Minister of Works Kingdom of Bahrain

9th International

for Sustainable Construction CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 11-13 February, 2013

Gulf International Convention Center Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain

PRE-CONFERENCE PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP WORKSHOP 10th February, 2013 Durability and : Date Title : Concrete
High Performance Concrete Date : 9th & 10th February, 2013

Chairmans Message Introduction

Through the years, concrete construction concepts and technology have changed in response to new and recurring challenges facing the industry. Performance, durability, restoration, maintenance, repair, innovation, and research continue to be important topics for those involved in the construction industry. It is my pleasure to invite you all to participate in the 9th International Concrete Conference and Exhibition. The conference will be a continuation of the successful forums that have been held bi-annually since 1985. This edition will also bring together engineers, designers, researchers and scientists from around the world to promote better understanding of matters of common interests to all stakeholders, ranging from the most recent research to the latest applications of high-strength and high performance concrete for construction. The conference is an opportunity to discuss new technical applications and share research results and experiences related to high-strength and high-performance concrete. The symposium is supported by leading world organisations, such as American Concrete Institute Saudi Arabian & Bahrain Chapters and the Concrete Society (UK). For us this is a unique opportunity to meet with leading experts from around the world in the field of high performance concrete and to learn first-hand where concrete technology is heading. The conference will host workshops and seminars and also present the opportunity to share technical and research papers as well as case studies on topics of interest. These will include Concrete in a Sustainable World; Durability, Deterioration and Repair of Concrete Structures; Advances in Materials and Processes for Green Buildings; Design and Construction; Research and Development; etc. I take this opportunity to extend my invitation to all stake holders in the real estate and the construction industry investors, developers, clients and the public to participate in this convention and make a significant contribution in charting the course of the industry for the future, both regionally and globally.
Major international manufacturers are expressing confidence in the Middle East construction market and are actively pursuing expansion plans as the industry shakes off the adverse impact of the economic downturn and moves ahead on the road to recovery. This confidence is reflected in the strong interest various stakeholders from Asia, Europe and the Middle East are showing in participating in the 9th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments being organised by the Bahrain Society of Engineers (BSE) in association with American Concrete Institute Saudi Arabian & Bahrain Chapters and the Concrete Society (UK) from 11-13 February, 2013 at Gulf Hotel in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The conference provides a welcome opportunity for engineers, architects, contractors, professionals, researchers and students to meet, examine current concerns, address local and industry-wide problems, exchange experiences and network to secure expansion plans and strategies for the future. This will be done through seminars, workshops as well as keynote addresses and technical papers presented by specialists and experts on the latest developments in sustainable design, manufacturing, construction, maintenance and other industry related matters. The exchange of technical knowledge and information about concrete and its performance in hot and aggressive environments around the world is especially important for the Gulf region, which experiences extremely harsh and difficult environmental conditions that include exceptionally hot and dry environments as well as hot, humid and salty marine environments. These adverse climatic conditions impact on the durability and performance of concrete and it is important to find effective and innovative solutions for both new projects as well as maintenance of existing structures. The deliberations of the conference should provide useful information and insights that will assist engineers and contractors in achieving high-quality, durable concrete to withstand these aggressive environments.

Dr. Jameel Al Alawi Conference Chairman

Conference Topics
The conference will cover a wide range of topics including the following: A Concrete in a Sustainable environment 1. 2. 3. 4. B What is Sustainability Carbon Footprint in Concrete Construction Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle costs Use of Recycled & Waste Materials

ConferenCe ChAIr
Dr. Jameel Abdulla Al Alawi Bahrain Society of Engineers

orgAnISIng CoMMITTee
Jameel Khalaf Al Alawi Bahrain Society of Engineers

Durability, Deterioration & repair of Concrete Structures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Strategies for durable Concrete Structures and Life Cycle Costs Pre & Post Concreting Factors Affecting Durability Effects of Chemicals in Soil and Sea water on Concrete Corrosion Protection Strategies Repair Methods and Techniques Rehabilitation of Waste materials Strengthening and change of use

Co m m it te e s

Jawad Al Jabal Bahrain Society of Engineers Dr. Abdul Malik nasser Al Jalai University of Bahrain Ahmed Al Khan Bahrain Society of Engineers ghada Al Marzooq Bahrain Society of Engineers Dr. Maher Bader American Concrete Institute Saudi Arabia Chapter

Projects and Case Studies 1. Design and Construction of High Rise Buildings in GCC 2. Concrete Transportation Structures (Eg. Metro Structures, Bridges and Pavements) 3. Burj Khalifa Design and Construction challenges 4. Marine Structures


Con f e re nC e

ghada Al Marzooq- Chair Jameel Khalfan Architects Mr. Sameer Affouni Ministry of Works - Bahrain Prof. Mohamed Baluch King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Dr. Marwan Daye American Concrete Institute Bahrain Chapter Dr. Kalimul rahman King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Dr. hussain Shanaah American Concrete Institute Bahrain Chapter

Advances in Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. Alternative Reinforcement materials Alternative Concrete Constituents and Admixtures Specialized Concrete Mixes Lightweight Concrete

Design and Construction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Status of Codes, Implementation in the Region Foundations and Soil Improvement Design Software for Concrete Structure Pre-Tensioning, Post- Tensioning & Precast Applications Innovative Construction Techniques

InTernATIonAl & regIonAl SuPPorT grouP

Prof. Omar S. Baghabra Al-Amoudi Dean, Educational Services - KFUPM Mike Walker Consultant

Keynote Speakers
h.e. Dr. habib Zein Al Abideen, Prof. Aftab Mufti
Prof. of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada Prof. Mufti is a Professor of Civil Engineering, at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, as well as being the Program Leader and President of ISIS Canada, and first President of ISHMII (International Society for SHM of Intelligent Infrastructures). He was one of the key persons to initiate interest in the uses of Advanced Composite Materials (ACM) for Civil Engineering structures in Canada through his founding work as Chair (1989 to 1993) of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Technical Committee on the use of ACM in Bridges and Structures.
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Zein Al Abideen is a leading figure in Engineering in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He has close to 100 scientific papers and four books in the areas of structural engineering. He is an authority in many branches including properties and durability of concrete, safety assessment of existing structures, construction management, crises management, crowd dynamics monitoring and control. He also taught in King Faisal University and The Public Management Institute. He was the past ACI Saudi Arabia Chapter President. He is also active in most Haj related projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Prof. Peter Claisse

Prof. of Construction Materials, Coventry University, UK

Prof. olafur Wallevick

Head of Basic Research at Innovation Centre, Iceland Prof. at Reykjavik University, Adjunct Prof. at Sherbrooke University, Canada

Prof. Claisse graduated with a degree in Physics from Oxford University and then spent the next 9 years working as a Civil Engineer on major UK construction sites including 4 years on the Torness nuclear power station. After obtaining a PhD in Civil Engineering at Leeds University, studying Silica Fume in concrete, he then went to the AEA Technology Harwell laboratory for 3 years to work on Nuclear waste containment. He has been at Coventry University for the last 20 years teaching Civil Engineering Materials and researching transport processes in concrete and the use of secondary materials in cement. He is a Professor of Construction Materials and has over 100 publications in journals and conferences.

Prof. Wallevik is the head of basic research at Innovation Center Iceland and a professor at Reykjavik University as well as adjunct professor at Sherbrooke University, Canada. His special fields are Rheology of Fresh Concrete, High Performance Concrete, High Strength Concrete, SelfCompacting Concrete and Microstructures. Wallevik have received several awards for his contribution in concrete technology among others from Iceland, Canada, ACI/CANMET and the NCF Medal. He received in 2012 the Knight Cross of the Falcon Order for the contribution to environmental friendly build materials. The Falcon Order is the highest honor one can receive in Iceland.

Prof. Alper Ilki

Prof. of Structural Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Prof. lki is a professor of structural engineering at Istanbul Technical University. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 journal papers and more than 100 international conference papers. He has supervised 4 completed PhD theses and 30 MSc theses. The main theme of his academic studies is the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete and masonary structures, seismic assessment and retrofitting.

Invited Speakers
Mr. redwan Amin hameed Technical and R&D Director, Saudi Readymix Concrete Company, KSA Redwan Hameed is the Technical and R&D Director at Saudi Readymix Concrete Company. Prior to his joining the company, Mr. Hameed worked for 13 years in an independent testing agency in Dammam where he began as a geotechnical engineer to eventually being promoted up to the position of General Manager. Mr. Hameed received his Bachelor (1988) and Master (1991) degrees in civil engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. His areas of expertise include concrete technology, testing and inspection of various building construction raw materials, assessment of concrete structures, and geotechnical engineering. In addition to his role within the company, Mr. Hameed was an active member in the Saudi Society for Civil Engineering (SSCE) where he headed the marketing and membership committee in Eastern Region of KSA. He is also a member of several concrete organizations such as the Concrete Society (UK), ACI-SAC, and ASCE. the Institute of Concrete Structures of the Hamburg University of Technology. His research is focused on shear design of concrete members, design and construction of precast segmental bridges and loads on silo structures. Since 2000 he is certified Checking Engineer. He published several books about finite element design of concrete structures and design of pre-stressed structures. Prof. Sabri Shahata

Prof. of Pavements and Construction Materials, King Abdul-Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Prof. Shahata obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1983. His main research interests include HPC, HSC, SCC, QA/QC and rigid pavements. Currently, he is a member of the Ministry of Higher Education Technical Committee in charge of Concrete Quality Assurance and Safety Applications in King Abdulla Bin Abdul-Aziz Haram Expansion Project. He chaired the Civil Engineering Department at King Abdul-Aziz University for three terms. His practical experience includes QA/QC of concrete, consultations on concrete and pavements, accreditation of RMC plants and drafting of specifications. He is a member and ex-member of several professional associations including ACI, ASCE, TRB, SSCE. He served as a board member of the SSCE and ACI-SAC. Prof. Shahata has more than 60 publications in journals and conference proceedings and authored several research and consultation reports.

Dr. Ted Kay

Techncal Advisor

Dr. Kay has had a long association with concrete in the Arabian Peninsula having lived and worked in Dubai from 1976 to 1982 and having visited the region to work on concrete structures many times since. His main interests are specification of suitable concrete for the aggressive exposure conditions in the Peninsula and investigation and repair of concrete structures.

Mr. Mike Walker

Consultant, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr.-Ing. g. rombach

Prof. at the Institute of the Concrete Structure of the Hamburg University of Technology

Mike Walker has been involved in the assessment and development of reinforced concrete performance in hot desert environments since the late 70s. He was part of the Construction Industry Research and Information team that produced the CIRIA Guide to concrete construction in the Gulf region published in 1984. Subsequently as the Technical Manager of the Concrete Society he was a member of the joint Concrete Society and CIRIA working party that updated the CIRIA report which then became the Guide to the construction of reinforced concrete in the Arabian Peninsula. He was joint author, with Ted Kay, of the Guide to evaluation and repair of concrete structures in the Arabian Peninsula and Chairman of the Concrete Societys Working party that prepared the Guide to the design of concrete structures in the Arabian Peninsula. More recently he has been a member of the Geological Societys Engineering Working Party that prepared its report/book on Hot deserts: Engineering, Geology and Geomorphology for which Mike was also editor.

Prof. Rombach graduated in 1983 as a civil and structural engineer at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, where he also obtained the Phd. in 1991 with a thesis on numerical simulation of granular flow in silos. From 1990 to 1996 he worked in the design office of a big building company in Germany, where he designed several big bridges, silos and buildings. In 1995 he became Technical Manager of one of the biggest segmental bridge in the world, the Second Stage Expressway System in Bangkok, Thailand. Since 1996 he is full professor at

list of Accepted Abstracts

Abdelsalam M. Akasha Mohamed S. Suliman Abdoulgader M. Alajouad Faouzi Ahtchi Ali Marcus Vitiello Hakim S. Abdelgader Hakim S. Abdelgader Muneer K. Saeed Mohammed H. baluch Muhammed Kalmur Rahman Shahid Kabir Saad Issa Sarsam Abeer Al Rawi Suha Ghazi Abdullah Sharef Farrag Sherif Yehia Hadda Hadjab O. Boulekfouf A. Arbia Mohammed Al Osta Abul K. Azad Shamshad Ahmed Mohammed Maslehuddin Ibrahim Hakeem Abul Kalam Azad Saad Issa Sarsam Abeer AL-Rawi Sura D. Tawfeeq Shamsad Ahmed V T Desai A V Patil S J Pillai Salah Elkoum

Sebha University

Paper Title
Reinforcement Corrosion in Pozzolanic Concrete Aggregates Induced Failure in Concrete Compressive & Tensile Strength of Two-Stage Concrete Bolomeya model for normal concrete mix design Hydration of Cement in Mass Concrete Sustainable Mgmt Program for Construction Waste Implementation of Pulse Velocity measurement in the assessment Investigation of Full Replacement of GGBS in SCC Concrete Mixes The Benefits of using Tyre rubber aggregate in concrete Specimens Residual Strength of Reinforced Concrete Columns and BeamColumns Subjected to Corrosion Flexural Performance of Hybrid Concrete Construction Utilizing Developed UHPC Assessing Durability of RollerCompacted Concrete Sustainable Pavement Exploring Possibility of Using Envt Friendly & Sustainable Concretes Durability of Mass Concrete Thermal Consideration Built-in and Retrofit Cathodic Protection Systems for large diameter Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) using Zinc S acrificial Anodes. Effect of Aggregate Quality on Initiation and Propagation of Reinforcement Corrosion in high Performance Concrete

Vural Oyan Ali Ozvan Mucip Tapan Ali Ozvan Mucip Tapan Tolga Depci Tugba Efe Vural Oyan Aravindkumar B. Harwalker S. S. Awanti Ayesha Wahid M. Abdel Mooty M. Al Kashif E. Fahmy M. Abou Zeid M. Haroun Beddar Miloud L. Zeghichi A. Meddah M. Boubakria N. Haddad Nuri M. Elbasha Farid Abed

Yuzunce Yil University

Paper Title
Effectiveness of Pumice & Scoria Aggregates inc ontrolling Effect of pumice on setting times of pumice blended cements

Bechtel Company Tripoli University Tripoli University

Yuzunce Yil University

P.D.A College Engineering of Gulbarga University of Bahrain The Amercan University of Cairo

Fatigue Behavior of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete under Constant Amplitude and Compound Loading The Quest for Sustainability: Lean, Mean & Green Composite Behaviour RC Sandwich Panels with lightweight infill in shear & flexure

KFUPM King Faisal University University of Baghdad American University of Saharjah University of Sciences & Technology Houari Boumediene KFUPM

MSila University

Influence of the Limstone Admixture on the Physio - Chemical

Zawia University American University of Sharjah

Sustainable Reiforced HSC Beams Experimental study to investigate the flexural ductility enhancement using hybrid (GFRP and Steel) reinforced concrete beam Role of Concrete and Sustainable Developent of safe built Environment Feasibility of Using Concrete Pavements in Developing, Hot-Climate Countries: A Case Study for Conditions of Khartoum State in Sudan Exploration of Construction Waste Recycling Models & Applications for Saudi Arabia Cathodic corrosion protection to enhance the long term performance of concrete bridges Effect of Different Chemical Admixtures on workability retention

KFUPM University of Baghdad

Fariel Khan Anamika Jiwanee Galal Ali Amin Elniema

University of Bahrain Sudan University of Science & Technology

KFUPM Central Water and Power Research Station Man Made River Authority

Feras F. Al Mansour

King Faisal University

Najif Ismail Hessam Azari Jafari Mohamad Shekarchi Javad Berenjian Babak Ahmadi

Otago Polytechnic Tabari Institute Tehran University Tabari Institute Amirkabir University

Syed Imran Ali Mohammed Maslehuddin Omar S. B. Al Amoudi


list of Accepted Abstracts

Faraz Amed Khan Showkath Ali Khan Zai Sadath Ali Khan Zai P. S. Nagaraja Sami O. Osman Ahmed Abdallah Mohga M. Osman Hessam Yazdani Mohammad K. Alkam Maha Alqam M. Ajmal M.K. Rahman Z. Celep M.H. Baluch M.A. Shazali M.K. Rahman M.H. Baluch Emad Abu-Aisheh Ammar K. Abu Ghdaib Mohamed Elchalakani Omar Saeed Baghabra Al-Amoudi B.H. Al-Gohi M.K. Rahman M.H. Baluch A.K. Azad A.H. Al-Gadhib M. H. Baluch D. Ahmed M. K. Rahman M. K. Rahman M. H. Baluch M.A.malek R.Hameed A. Halahla A.H.Al-Gadhib M.K.Rahman M.H. Baluch F. Mukhtar M. H. Baluch M.K. Rahman

Bangalore University

Paper Title
Next Generation Nano based Carbon Concrete

N.Saleem I.A.Hussein M.H.Baluch M.K.Rahman M.M.Al-Tholaia M.H.Baluch A.H.Al-Gadhib M.K.Rahman Waleed Al-Kutti1 Muhammad K. Rahman Mohammed A. Shazali Mohammed H. Baluch Isam A. Mahmoud MuhammadK. Rahman Mohammed.H Baluch Engr Ali-AlGadhib Engr Ronaldo T.Hertez Engr Artemio T. Talon Nabil M. Al-Akhras M. Jamal Shannag Ahmad B Malkawi A. A. Abdulrazeg M. S. Jaafar Farzad Hejazi Ashhad Imam Abul. K. Azad Shamshad Ahmad M. Mashlehuddin4 Saad F. Al Nuaimi KFUPM


Paper Title
Superplasticizers: State-Of-The-Art

University of Dammam

Sustainability of Portland-Cement Concrete by Using Natural Pozzolans A Nomograph to predict the Deflection of Two-way Reinforced. Temperature and Moisture Distribution inside a Circular Concrete Column during the Hydration Reaction SeismicPerformance Assessment of a Retrofitted shear wall frame of a building in Madinah using Non-linear Pushover Analysis Damage Effect on Risks of Cracking in Concrete Patch Repair Strategies to achieve sustainable and durable concrete Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Chloride-Sulfate Exposures Full-scale load testing and Finite Element Modeling of unreinforced heritage masonry walls used in Saudi Arabia Experimental Investigation of BeamColumn Joints under Cyclic Loading Study on Self Compacting Concrete Using Flyash, GGBFS and Limestone Powder Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) for Civil Engineering Application State of The Art Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling of Self Compacting Concrete


Review of State-of-Art in the Behavior of Masonry Walls Subject to Lateral and Axial Loading Chloride migration in Damaged Concrete with Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Finite Elements Modeling of ShearCritical Reinforced Concrete Frame under Cyclic Loading Effect of Fiber derived from recycled materials on mechanical properties of High Performance Concrete Shear Strengthening of Light weight RC Beams Using CFRP

The University Of Oklahoma Jordan University of Science and Technology KFUPM



Industrial Contractors Co. Ltd. KFUPM KFUPM Saudi Aramco Saudi Aramco Higher Colleges of Technology KFUPM

Technical Higher Institute for Engineering and Petroleum University of Dammam King Saud University Jordan University of Science and Technology University of Omar Al-Mukhtar Universiti Putra Malaysia KFUPM

Combined Thermal and Mechanical Finite Element Modeling of Roller Compacted Concrete Dam Shear Strength of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams



University of Bahrain

The thermal efficiency of non- natural roof garden over existing concrete roofs in Bahraini houses Effect Of Elevated Temperature On Fracture Properties Of Concrete Modeling Impact of Dewatering on Soil Structure Interaction Using SAP Structural Lightweight Concrete Using Cured Leca


M. A. Imam Mohamed Mahdy A. Eslam M. Samaaneh A. Al-Gadhib Mohamed Mahdy

Mansoura University


KFUPM Mansoura University


Technical Program & Pre-Conference Workshop

DAy 1 (11th february, 2013)
08:00 - 08:45 08:45 - 09:00 09:00 - 09:45 09:45 - 10:30 10:30- 10:45 10:45 - 11:15 11:15 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:15 14:15 - 14:45 14:45 - 15:15 15:15 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 Session 7 Session 8 end of Day one opening Ceremony Opening Exhibition & Coffee Break Keynote 1 Keynote 2 Coffee Break 08:00 - 08:45 08:45 - 09:30 09:30- 10:00 10:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 Session 3 Session 4 lunch Break Session 5 Session 6 Coffee Break Session 7 Session 8 Session 5 Session 6 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:15 12:15 - 12:45 12:45 - 14:00 14:00 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:15 15:15 - 15:45 15:45 - 16:15 Session 4 Session 5 lunch Break Session 6 Session 7 Coffee Break Session 8 Session 9 end of Day Two Session 8 Session 9 Session 6 Session 7 Keynote 1 Keynote 2 Coffee Break 08:00 - 08:45 08:45 - 09:30 09:30- 10:00 10:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:15 11:15 - 11:45 Session 4 Session 5 11:45 - 12:15 12:15 - 12:45 12:45 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 lunch Break end of Conference Keynote 1 Keynote 2 Coffee Break

DAy 2 (12th february, 2013)

DAy 3 (13th february, 2013)

Track 1
Session 2

Track 2
Session 2

Track 1
Session 2 Session 3

Track 2
Session 2 Session 3

Track 1
Session 2

Track 2
Session 2

Invited Speaker 1

Invited Speaker 1

Invited Speaker 1

Invited Speaker 1

Invited Speaker 1

Invited Speaker 1

Coffee Break Session 3 Session 4

Coffee Break Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

Coffee Break

Pre-Conference Workshop
Title: Concrete Durability and high Performance Concrete Date: 9th & 10th february, 2013 fees: BD 300 uS$530 Instructor: Prof. olafur Wallevick
The course covers the durability and lifetime design issues that can affect reinforced concrete. Special emphasis will be placed on the mix-design aspects of High Performance Concrete and robust production. The causes of deterioration will be a central part of the course. Transport mechanisms and permeability will be revised as they are key parameters for durability, in particular chloride permeability. The role of pozzolans (SCM) and chemical admixtures in achieving more durable and sustainable concrete will be discussed. Volume stability will be a focal subject, in particular shrinkage and means to reduce it. Issues like Live Cycle Assessment (LCA) will be discussed as durability plays such a big role is the evaluation, as durability is also the ability of a building or any of its components to perform its required function over an intended period of time. Finally Eco-friendly or green concrete (like Eco-SCC) will be evaluated.

The course will include: The basics of concrete The basics of cement chemistry Durability of concrete Why is concrete so different in various countries (what can we learn from others)? Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) Causes of deterioration Mechanisms of concrete cracking Transport processes of fluids and ions into concrete Chloride permeability, carbonation Alkali-aggregate reaction Sulphate attack Delayed ettringite formation Thaumasite formation Shrinkage and creep Wearing resistance Repair strategies and techniques The art of making very HPC Why Ultra High Performance Concrete? Mix-design of durable concrete

Conference Information

Conference language
The Conference language is English.

Delegate fees
The fees for attending the conference and the optional workshops are as follows:

The registration counter at the Gulf International Convention Centre, will be open for the workshop on 9th February, 2013 from 07:00am to 08:00am. The registration counter for the conference will be open from 04:00pm to 07:00pm on 10th February, 2013 and will be open from 07:00am on 11th February, 2013. All outstanding payments should be settled at the registration counter.

Workshop Registration Fees

Title Concrete Durability and High Performance Concrete Fees BD 300 (US$ 810)

Workshop Time Table

1st and 2nd Day 07:00 - 08:00 08:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:30 Registration 1st Morning Session (with 15 minutes Break) Lunch Break Afternoon Session (with 15 minutes Break)

Conference Registration Fees

BSE Members Speakers Speaker Non Members *Students One Day Registration BD 150 (US$ 405) BD 150 (US$ 405) BD 150 (US$ 405) BD 50 (US$ 135) Full Registration BD 250 (US$ 675) BD 220 (US$ 595) BD 300 (US$ 810) BD 100 (US$ 270)

*Should provide proper authentication

Accommodation Information
A block booking of rooms at Gulf Hotel, the Conference & Exhibition Venue, has been made for the participants during the conference period. Following are the special corporate rates for the conference & exhibition participants.

Conference fee Includes the following Opening Ceremony and Dinner Conference pack with Proceedings etc. Attendance of all Conference Technical Sessions Admission to the Exhibition Lunch on Conference Days Refreshment during breaks

Type of Rooms Single Superior Room Double Superior Room Single Deluxe Room Double Deluxe Room Single Platinum Room Double Platinum Room

Room Rate per Night

BD 60 (US$ 216) BD 90 (US$ 243) BD 85 (US$ 230) BD 95 (US$ 257) BD 120 (US$ 325) BD 130 (US$ 350)

The registration form for delegates is attached. Please complete the form in full and return it with appropriate payment to: The Bahrain Society of Engineers, P.O. Box 835, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: +973 17810734, Fax: +973 17827475, Email:,

Room rates are subject to 15% service charge and 5% government levy per room per night. For online bookings please contact the

Workshop & Conference registration form

Pre-Conference Workshop - Concrete Durability and high Performance Concrete, 9th and 10th february, 2013

9th International Concrete Conference & exhibition

February 11-13, 2013, Gulf International Convention Center, Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain
Please complete in BLOCK letters. Complete a separate form for each applicant. Title (Dr. / Mr./Mrs./Miss) First Name: Position: Organisation: P.O. Box No: City: Telephone: Address: State / Country: Fax: Postal Code: Mobile: Middle Name: Department: Family Name:

Email: Method of Payment: Payment by one of the following must be included with the Registration Form:
Please send invoice to the organisation mentioned above (attach authorisation) Enclosed a cheque/bankers draft payable to Bahrain Society of Engineers Bank Transfer - A/c name - Bahrain Society of Engineers, IBAn A/C - BH47-NBOB-0000-0099-0659-91 Bank name - National Bank of Bahrain, Manama Main Branch, Swift Code - NBOBBHBM Please debit to my Card Number: Card Holders Name and Address (if different from above): Date: Signature: Amex Master Card Visa Expiry Date

Please tick the appropriate box.

Workshop Registration Fees

Title Concrete Durability and High Performance Concrete
Please tick the appropriate box.

Fees BD 300 (US$ 810)

Conference Registration Fees

BSE Members Speakers Speaker Non Members *Students One Day Registration BD 150 (US$ 405) BD 150 (US$ 405) BD 150 (US$ 405) BD 50 (US$ 135) Full Registration BD 250 (US$ 675) BD 220 (US$ 595) BD 300 (US$ 810) BD 100 (US$ 270)

Cancellation and refunds Cancellation must be forwarded in writing to the Conference Secretariat. A cancellation fee of BD 30 (US$ 80) will be charged for cancellation received before 1st February 2013. After this date no refund will be considered.

*Should provide proper authentication

Please send this completed registration form along with the appropriate fees to:

Bahrain Society of engineers P .O. Box 835, Manama, Bahrain Tel: +973 17810733 Fax: +973 17827475 E-mail:, or register online at


exhibition Venue & floor Plan

Conference & exhibition Venue

The conference and exhibition will be held at the Gulf International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain. The Gulf Hotel offers luxurious hospitality. A landmark in Manama, just 10 minutes away from the Bahrain International Airport and 5 minutes from the City Centre. The Gulf Hotel offers 366 well-appointed rooms of gracious style, uncompromising efficiency and thoughtful technology. The impressive Gulf International Conference & Exhibition Centre offers exhibition, meeting and pre-function areas with unequalled state ofthe-art facilities. The hotel houses many of Bahrains leading restaurants.


exhibition Stand Booking form

9th International Concrete Conference & exhibition

February 11-13, 2013; Gulf International Convention Center, Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain
Company : Contact Name: Mailing Address: City: Tel: Products or services to be displayed: Signature: Date: Payment may be made by Bankers Draft / Cheque / Credit card payable to:A/c Name IBAN A/C Bank Name Swift Code - Bahrain Society of Engineers - BH47-NBOB-0000-0099-0659-91 - National Bank of Bahrain, Manama Main Branch - NBOBBHBM


Country: Fax:

Postal Code: E-mail:

Option A

Shell Scheme Package Participation fees: BD 800 (per 6m2) US$ 2160

No. of Stands Required

Option B Stand Space Only (min. 6m2) Participation fees: BD 125 - US$ 340

Stand Nos.

Booked Shell Space Participation includes: White wall panels 2.4m height, Carpet Floor, Table with two chairs, two fluorescent lights, one 240 volt power supply (3 pin) and a waste basket.
Stand Nos.

Select desired stand numbers from exhibition stand layout Booked Space only Participation does not include any stand construction except one 240 volt power supply. (It is not permitted to use wall partitions of adjacent stands and ceiling height limited to maximum 2.5mtrs only.

Select desired stand Nos. from the exhibition stand layout

Note: All efforts will be made to accommodate your stand location request based on availability. Please forward your booking form to : The Bahrain Society of engineers
P .O. Box 835, Manama, Bahrain, Tel: +973 17810734 Fax: +973 17827475 Email:

Sponsorship Benefits
Benefits offered to Sponsors
Platinum Gold
BD 5000 or US$ 13,500

BD 3,500 or US$ 9,460

Company name and logo will be presented in all publicity and marketing materials on proportionate sizes Company will be honored with a plaque by the conference Patron during the Opening Ceremony Company is entitled for free space at the exhibition hall Number of free delegates with full package Companys publicity materials included in conference pack Company name, logo, and brief profile published in the conference website on proportionate sizes Company logo will be displayed in the conference hall Company name and logo will be published in the conference proceedings Company free advertisement in the exhibition guide

BD 7,500 or US$ 20,270




12 sq.m

8 sq.m

6 sq.m





1.5 X 1.5 m






Sponsorship form

9th International Concrete Conference & exhibition

February 11-13, 2013, Gulf International Convention Center, Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain
To sponsor the 9th Concrete Conference & Exhibition Please complete this form and return to

The Bahrain Society of Engineers P .O. Box 835, Manama, Bahrain Tel: +973 17810734 Fax: +973 17827475 Email: Our company is pleased to sponsor the conference expenses for the category selected below Platinum Sponsor Golden Sponsor Silver Sponsor BD 7,500 (US$ 20,270) BD 5,000 (US$ 13,500) BD 3,500 (US$ 9,460)

Note 1: *BD price is binding (other currencies for reference only)

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Attractions of Bahrain
Bahrain, a group of 33 archeology islands, is rich in history ancient civilizations and is situated in the Arabian Gulf, off the east coast of Saudi Arabia. The country offers a fascinating blend of Eastern and Western cultures. The capital Manama is a quite modern cosmopolitan city, which boasts world class restaurants, shopping centers, and tourist attractions. The climate is hot in summer and mild in winter. From November to April the weather is very pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 24 degree centigrade. Arabic is the official language, but English is widely used by most businesses.

Bahrain National Museum

Situated at the junction of Al-Fateh Highway and Sheikh Hamad causeway leading to Muharraq, the museum was officially opened in December 1988 to become one of the latest and largest museums in the Middle East. The Museum consists of several exhibition halls covering the history of Bahrain from the Stone Age, through ancient civilizations and up to the pre-oil period. A Heritage village has been developed outside the museum and is used for annual national festivals.

Bait Al-Quran
Located in the city of Manama, Bait Al-Quran or House of Quran was inagurated in March 1990. It is a typical specialized museum consisting of several floors and characterized by most distinctive Islamic design. The Bait Al-Quran houses ancient manuscripts of the Holy Quran that have been collected from the Islamic world in general and from North Africa, Iran, India and China in particular. It also displays rare Islamic artifacts, jewellery and gold-ornamented glass utensils, including the great Islamic heritage arts that had an influence through out the world. The building also includes a lecture hall provided with sophisticated equipment, a library of scientific, Islamic reference books, and Arabic calligraphy and the exhibition translations of the Quran in to several languages. It is definitely worth visiting as part of Bahrains tourist landmarks

Bahrain International Circuit

The Bahrain International Circuit is a venue used for drag racing, GP2, and an annual Formula One Grand Prix. For the first time in 2006, there was a V8 Supercar race, named the Desert 400, and also a 24 Hour Race. The construction of the Bahrain circuit was a national objective for Sakhir, Bahrain, initiated by the Crown Prince, Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. The Crown Prince is the Honorary President of the Bahrain Motor Federation.

Bahrain Fort
The fort is at a distance of nearly 7 kilometers from the city of Manama and situated at Karbabad, the village well known for its traditional basketry on the North Central coastline. It is also known as Qalat Burtughal, or the historical site that had become the seat of successive civilizations, the last of which was the Islamic era. The fort was built by Portuguese in 1522. The Portuguese added the height walls, the huge square tower and surrounding moat which is still visible to visitors. The Bahrain Fort occupied a strategic military position and boasted a navigation ammunition depot and a secret passageway.

Grand Mosque
Dedicated in 1988, Al Fateh Grand Mosque is the largest edifice in Bahrain in terms of volume. With twin freestanding minarets soaring at 70 meters, the mosque has space for 7,000 worshippers.


The Bahrain Society of engineers

P .O. Box 835, Manama, Bahrain Tel: +973 17810734 Fax: +973 17827475 Email:

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