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SMEX1035 Energy Engineering and Management PART-A 2 MARKS 1. What do you understand by green house effect? 2. Write a short note on the economic aspect of energy conservation. 3. What is meant by global warming? 4. What are the types of energy audits? 5. What are the advantages and limitations of non conventional energy sources? 6. What is the importance of non conventional energy source in the present context? 7. What is the difference between energy surveying and auditing? 8. When using solar energy systems, why are back up systems are necessary? 9. What do you understand by energy prices and policies?

Define Energy cost

11. Mention the factors influencing global warming. 12. Classify energy resources. 13. What is the present installed power generation capacity in India? 14. What are the conventional energy supplies for the future? 15. What are the alternative sources of energy? 16. Who cares for energy conservation? 17. List any two objectives of the energy audit. 18. What are the major conclusions deduced from the energy conservation in thermal system? 19. Define energy index.

Define Energy surveying PART-B 10 MARKS

1. What is the present status of world energy consumption? Explain the various aspects of future prospects. 2. Explain in detail of non conventional energy sources in India. What are their future prospects? 3. Explain the energy consumption in different sector. 4. Write an explanatory note on energy prices and energy policies.. 5. What are the various principles of energy conservation? Explain any two in details. 6. Describe the various options for energy consumption policies 7. What are the advantages and limitation of renewable energy sources? 8. Explain the energy conservation possibility in boilers.

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