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Math Problem Solving Rubric

Levels (Criteria) Dimensions (Categories)

Expert 4 The solution shows a deep understanding of the math concepts and the procedures needed to reach it. Practitioner 3 Apprentice 2 Novice 1 There isn't a solution or the solution is inappropriate. Inappropriate math concepts or procedures are used. Points

The solution is A solution is complete. attempted but isn't Math concepts complete. and procedures are applied Some math correctly. concepts are used but not Understanding all of the Math concepts necessary and procedures ones. are applied correctly. Some, but not all, procedures are correct. Reasoning Uses an efficient strategy that leads directly to a correct solution. Uses a strategy Knows some that leads to a of what is solution. needed to do find a Uses effective solution but doesn't find math reasoning and a complete solution. procedures.

No evidence of a strategy or the strategy shown is inappropriate. There are many errors in math procedural so that a solution can't be reached.

Can verify the solution and evaluate the All parts of the Does not reasonableness solution are complete all of it. of the math correct. procedures that the Makes relevant problem math needs. observations and connections. Some parts may be right but the right answer is not

achieved. Writing and drawing is clear, wellorganized and detailed. All steps are included. A variety of Communication words and symbols are used accurately and appropriately. Sophisticated language is used in some parts of the solution. Writing and drawing is clearly done. The reader may have to fill in some details. A variety of words and symbols are used accurately and appropriately. Writing and drawing may be unclear in parts. Words and symbols are used but show errors or lack of variety. Writing and drawing is unclear or inappropriate. Words or symbols were used inaccurately or inappropriately.

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