Post-Homily CRS Rice Bowl Introduction: ©2012 Catholic Relief Services. All Rights Reserved. US12132

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Post-Homily CRS Rice Bowl Introduction

Use this sample post-homily talk to introduce CRS Rice Bowl to your community. The introduction may be made by the pastor, a lay person, youth group member or anyone excited about CRS Rice Bowl. Be sure to coordinate with ushers about distributing Rice Bowls. Consider distributing them during this announcement or after Mass with the bulletins. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has declared this year The Year of Faith. It is an intentional time for Catholics to deepen our faith in Christ. This Lent, we are invited not so much to think of what we will give up, but more, to think about how we will enhance, renew and develop our relationship with Jesus. As a parish community, we will participate in CRS Rice Bowl as a way to encounter Jesus through others, especially the most vulnerable around the world. Expressing love for those in need expands our hearts in hope. Through CRS Rice Bowl we will pray together; give things up, or fast, in solidarity with those who hunger; learn about our global community and the challenges of hunger and poverty around the world; and give sacrificial donations to those in need. The ushers are handing out Rice Bowls and Spiritual Guides to each family or person. [Alternate: The ushers will give each family or person a Rice Bowl and Spiritual Guide after Mass.] Please take these materials home and use them as a family throughout Lent. The Spiritual Guide contains stories from people who benefit from our participation in CRS Rice Bowl, reflections for each week of Lent, and recipes for simple meatless meals from countries around the world. You can use the cardboard Rice Bowl to collect your Lenten sacrifices. At the end of Lent we will collect sacrifices saved in our Rice Bowls and send our parish contribution to support the work of Catholic Relief Services worldwide and to support local hunger alleviation efforts in our diocese. Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS acts as our hearts and hands in nearly 100 countries, easing suffering and providing hope and assistance to people in need. Thank you in advance for your consideration of CRS Rice Bowl as part of your Lenten practice.

2012 Catholic Relief Services. All Rights Reserved.


CRS Rice

Photo by Jake Lyell for CRS

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