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CBSE TEST PAPER-03 CLASS - XI CHEMISTRY (States of Matter: Gases and Liquids) Topic: - Ideal Gas equation [ANSWERS]


A gas which obeys the ideal gas equation (PV = nRT) at all temperature and pressure is called an ideal gas.


According to Boyles law, V 1 (at constant T and n) p

According to charles law,

V T (at constant p and n)

According to Avogadros law,

V n (at constant T and p)

By combining the three laws,

V n x or , V

1 xT p
nT or p

pV = nRT

Where R is a constant called universal gas constant.


P1 = 760mm Hg, V1 = 600mL T1 = 25 + 273 = 298 k V2 = 640 mL and T2 = 10 = 273 = 283 k According to combined gas law,
p1V1 p2V2 = T1 T2

=> p2 = = P2 =

p1T2V1 TV2 1
760 x 283 x600 640 x 298

676.6mm of Hg

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Molar mass of acetylene (C2 H2) M = (2x12+2x1) g/mol = 26 g/mol Mass of acetylene, m = 50g. Temperature, T = (500C + 273) = 323k Pressure, p = 740mm Hg =
740 mm = 0.9737 atm 760 m RT M

Pv = nRT = v=

mRT 5 x0.082 x323 = pM 26 x0.9737

v = 5.23L


Pressure exerted by saturated water vapors is called aqueous tension.


At S. T. P, R = 8.20578 x 10-2 L at m k-1 mol-1.


The ratio pv/RT is equal to the number of moles of an ideal gas in the sample. This number should be constant for all pressure, volume and temperature conditions. If the value of this ratio changes with increasing pressure, the gas sample is not behaving ideally.


Kinetic energy of a molecule is directly proportional to temperature and independent of mass so both the molecules will have the same kinetic energy.

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