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BRIEF DEFINITIONS:Computer :Computer is an electronic device or calculating machine which get input and give output.

Impact of computer and internet on society:Computer and internet play an important role in any sector such as Education Business Online Banking etc

Computer Number System:Binary language (0,1) is a machine language. when we give input first computer translate it into binary language and after process it again convert it into human language for understandable of human being.

Computer Hardware:Part of computer which is in physically form are called computer Hardware. Which we can touch. Its very important parts of computer without it computer cannot run. It may include input and Output devices such as: Mouse Keyboard Monitor CPU RAM Hard disk CD ROM

Computer Software:Computer software is necessary for Computer hardware. It operate the computer hardware. Without software it cannot work.

CPU:CPU stands for central processing unit. CPU is consider as a brain of Computer. It contains a important components of computer such as RAM, Motherboard ,processor etc

Computer storage:1 bit 1 byte 1Kb (0,1) (8 bit) (1024 byte)


(1024 KB) (1024 MB) (1024 GB)

Main Memory:Ram is include in the main memory. It is inside the Motherboard. RAM:Ram stands for Read Access memory. It is a temporary memory when the computer is switch off all the data save in Ram is removed. ROM:Rom stands for read only memory. It is a permanent memory when the computer is s

Secondary Memory:Secondary memory is not a internal part of computer it is outside the motherboard such as Hard disk, Floppy drive, Magnetic disk, CD ROM etc.

Keyboard:Keyboard is an input device. Which consist of many keys such as Funtion key (F1 to F12) Alphabet key (A to Z) Numeric key (0 to 9)

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