Amir Khan

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Self description

Today we are living in computer age. Approximately everything is online due to computerized systems. Shopping, business, and even study are online. You can communicate with another person or organization online. Siting from far you can control things through computer we cannot ignore the importance of computer technology .computer technology is used in daily life frequently that is why I have chosen computer as my field. I am a computer student and want to do Ph.D. in computer sciences. Unfortunately the universities of our country are not providing such a standard and modern computer technology education as it is available in your university. I want to join your university in order to become a computer professional so that I may able to develop software and implement the ideas what I have in my mind. My aim is to obtain executive post in Microsoft Corporation. I have also a future plain to open a computer academy after completing my computer this academy I will deliver the knowledge what I learnt in your university during my professional courses. I have some basic skills about computer languages like C++,java and visual Computer Programing is my favorite subject. Further I have a complete access to Microsoft office and also some initial knowledge of computer organization, architecture and structure.

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