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Coffee with the Principal Meeting Summary Regarding the Principal Selection Process Saturday, February 2, 2013 On Saturday, February 2, 2013 during the Coffee with the Principal meeting, questions regarding the principal selection process were raised. It was suggested by Crenshaw stakeholders that the principal selected for Crenshaw High School should possess the following characteristics and that the interview panel should consist of the members identified below. The Crenshaw High School principal should: Be committed to the success of ALL students to realize their full potential Be inviting and committed to the voice of parents, students and community (CBOs) Believe in the importance of a culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy Believe that transparency is critical in any process Accept the prior learning of students and meet them where they are The principal interview committee should minimally include: Two parent representatives Two student representatives Two certificated teachers Two classified staff members Two District administrators/Directors Note: The Human Resources department will form the principal interview committee and provide training for those members. The principal position is currently being advertised and interviews will start in mid-February. More information will be presented at a later date and the job description for the principal will be posted on the Crenshaw HS Transformation web page.

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