Present Simple: Completa en Presente Simple o Habitual

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Completa en presente simple o habitual

I------------- in Godella.( live)

Daisy----------- chocolate.( love)

Andy--------------_ too fast.( drive)

We-------------------lunch at two.( have)

You-----------------great.( look)

They ---------------------much.( not say)

Charlie -------------------golf.( not play)

I ---------------------------hamburgers.(not like)

Sammy and I---------------------- much TV.(to watch)

It ----------------------------very often in Valencia.( rain)

----------------------you ........... tennis? (play)

---------------------Carol............? (drive)

---------------------they ........... the shopping together? (do)

---------------------dogs ........ fish? (eat)

What----------------------it ........? (do)

Elige la forma del verbo correcta

Jenny really ___________ Sammy. (like/likes)

Does Sammy ___________ Jenny? (like/likes)

Sadly, Sammy doesn't ___________ anyone except himself. (like/likes)

They absolutely ___________ swing music. (love/loves)

We always ___________ a swim in the river before lunch. (has/have)

___________ anyone got the time? (Has/Have)

Nobody ___________ in that horrible old house. (live/lives)

All the critics ___________ that film is rubbish. (say/says)

Juli doesn't ___________ in the city centre anymore. (live/lives)

Does Begoa ___________ cakes? (bake/bakes)

Everybody ___________ mistakes sometimes. (make/makes)

Bob doesn't ___________ to go out tonight. (want /wants)

Their daughter ___________ to university. (go/goes)

Her dog ___________ three cans of food a day. (eat/eats)

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