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By Haley Dod

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Slide #1 - The Battles of Trenton and Princeton Slide #2 - The Battle of Saratoga Slide #3 - Winter At Valley Forge Slide #4 - The Battle of Yorktown Slide #5 - The Treaty of Paris Slide #6 - Pictures
Tuesday, February 5, 13

Slide #7 - George Washington - Early Life

In 1776, The Continental Army was so beaten and battered from being wanted another victory against the British (and Hessians), so he decided troops rode across the Delaware River to where the British troops were. to come up with a plan of attack. On December 25th, George and his chased across New York and into New Jersey. George Washington

The Battles of Trenton & Princeton

parties, that they were surprised when the Continental Army attacked. American delegates who were in France, trying to get aid from King Louis XIV. Then King Louis XIV agreed to send the Patriots Men, Money and Supplies, because of their victories.

The British and Hessians were so tired from their late-night Christmas Since they were unarmed, they lost the battle. These victories saved the

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Saratoga

planning to attack the Continental army. They were going to start in However, General. Burgoyne did not get this message in time so the In 1777, General William Howe, and General John Burgoyne were New York city, then they would march up North to the Hudson River.

plan was un successful. This was signicant for the Continental Army because they would only have one British troop to ght, instead of two. The Continental army was successful in this battle and won.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Winter At Valley Forge

The British had occupied New York City, but they had also captured Philadelphia, in 1777. They could just snuggle up, and relax in both places during winter, but George Washington would be living right in between both places - in Valley Forge. The British were just living their lives in their places, but George and his men were living tragedy. There were cold storms, the weather was extremely freezing, and there was almost no food supply. The Congress was to busy worrying about their own needs then providing for the nation, that was a war, that lye ahead of them. One of the many women that were trying to help the Continental Army survive was Martha Washington. She and other women knitted for the Army to try to keep warm, but that was not enough for them. The Continental Army ended up loosing 2,500 men during this harsh winter.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Yorktown

It was September 28, 1781. The outcome of the American Revolution would start. The Continental army was ready to ght, because of their past victories. They were even more excited because this battle would be easier with new weapons, supplies, and troops. They had teamed up with the French Forces to defeat the British. General Cornwallis was not happy about this, he was forfeiting himself because the British were outnumbered, but that would not stop the Continental Army from ghting. The American Continental Army and The French Forces went to close in by land while another man went to the harbor to make sure that there were no British troop men coming to reinforce them. On October 17, The Continental Army had won. Once again, another victory!
Tuesday, February 5, 13

In 1782, John Jay, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin were sent by Congress to go to Paris, and get a peace treaty with Great Britain, that would negotiate American Independence. They were to consult the French King, and his Ministers. But the French were not really looking out for Americas intrest, they wanted to use the Americans as pawns in their game of power against Great Britain. But they used their great minds to push away the attacking of the French, so on September 3rd, 1782, these three men signed The Treaty of Paris. It stated that The United States would own every part of the land, from the Great Lakes to Florida, and that all of the British troops could return to Britain, that were still in America. All of the debt that was not paid would have to be paid by The Americans, and all of the Loyalists that had left America could return to America, but the ones that were still in America would have to be persecuted. Now they could go home and start to build a new nation.
Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Treaty Of Paris


Tuesday, February 5, 13

George Washington - Early life

George Washington was born on Febuary 22nd 1732. He never went to school, he was taught by his father, and his older brother. He had two older half brothers, one younger sister, and three younger brothers. When George was 11, his father died, but as he got older he worked as a surveyor and was thought to be a very smart child. He marked up on a career as a planter in 1948. He traveled with his half brother,Lawrence but after his brothers death he took all of the duties of Lawrence. He was our countries rst Pesident, and was thought to be a very good one. George Washington died of a severe infection in his tonsils, wich led to penoima.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

PICTURES & INFORMATION Ms. Tatasciore - Our Packets

Tuesday, February 5, 13

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