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By Hudson Huffard

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Trenton and New Princeton Jersey



In the year of 1776 Washingtons army was not in good shape. They were very tired from being chased across New york and into New Jersey. They had been beaten, battered and chased. They only had 6,000 men and the army and they were not even close to being ready to fight. Washington started making plans so he came up with many good ones but there was one that was the best and that was what he is going to do. On christmas night he and his army were going to surprise attack on the people in princeton. The people in princeton did not expect them to come and they were so tired because of there work. Washingtons army had worked hard and defeated the army in princeton. The poor battle against trenton effected them a lot.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Saratoga





The Battle of Saratoga took place in New York, 1777. General Howe had a lot in common with General Burgoyne and his army won the battle against Long Island, but lost against the Continental Army. On the other hand, Burgoyne (British general in Canada) was an politician and a playwrighter. Everyone called him Gentleman Johnny because of his great attitude. Howes plan was to have his men in New York city so that they could move up to the Hudson river to meet Burgoyne and his crew on the way. Howes plans did not work because he did not get his orders in time to move north and the Patriot Army in New York had 1 British army to fight instead of 2. When the battle finally began, Burgoyne asked General Clinton for reinforcements but it was too late. He was trapped at Saratoga in October and was forced to surrender General Gates. The Continentals had won and a man from Burgoynes army had said. Not one of the Continentals was uniformly clad yet no fault could be found in their military appearance, for they stood in and erect and soldierly attitudes and remained so perfectly quiet that we were utterly astounded. Every one was very amused and happy because all of it had finally ended.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Winter at Valley Forge Prussia PA



The winter of 1777 at camp called Valley Forge took place in Prussia PA. The camp was made by Washingtons army. It was freezing and everybody made fires and cooked the food that they could find. Baron Von Steuben was a man who joined the Continental Army because Benjamin Franklin recommended him to Washington. Steuben cleaned everything up, gave everyone good uniforms, and taught them how to be a good soldier. Washington put Von Steuben as a major general because helped the soldiers a lot and he made Washington very proud. Valley Forge became very messy and ruined. Months passed by and it was now winter again. It got very cold and people started to get very sick. At the end of winter, over 2,500 people had died because of diseases and colds. Everybody was struggling to get food and stay warm, sadly they did not have medicine to cure them.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Yorktown Yorktown Virginia



The battle of Yorktown took place in Yorktown, Virginia 1781 and The general, Cornwallis had tried to escape across the York river but there was a big storm and he could not make it. People would bring things like supplies, weapons and troops . This was bothering Cornwallis because he is so selfish so it is not time for the big battle of Yorktown. 3 things that was victory for the continental army are that The American and french had combined and and all together they had 16,000 men and The other army only had 7,500 men so they had a big chance of winning. Also while the American and french started closing in, Comte de Grasse sealed off Yorktown harbor to prevent the arrival of any British reinforcements by sea.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Treaty Of Paris





In 1783 the treaty of Paris was created in the United States. Three men named Ben franklin, Sam Adams, and John Jay were sent to Paris to discuss peace terms with Great Britain. The United States wanted independence from Great Britain. The treaty allowed Great Britain to form new borders for America and they removed their troops from America. America promised to let all of the left over troops from Great Britain to leave and return to England. America also agreed to payback britain for all their debts and they would not persecute the loyalists and allow them to return to England.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

George Washington



On 1789 George Washington became our first president. At 16, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew in to the french and Indian war. He married a widow named Martha Dandridge Custis. His house was called Mount Vernon. From 1759 to the outbreak of the American Revolution, Washington managed his lands around the Mount Vernon and served in the Virginia House of Burgesses. He felt himself exploited by British merchants and hampered by British regulations. When the 2nd continental Congress assembled, one of the Virginia delegates was elected Commander in chief of the continental army.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

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Tuesday, February 5, 13

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