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The American Revolution

The American ght for freedom.

by Tyler

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Table of Contents
Page 1 Trenton Page 2 Saratoga Page 3 Valley Forge Page 4 Yorktown

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Trenton and Jersey and Princeton, New Princeton The Battles were in Trenton, New
Jersey. Morale was low after being battered and chased through New York, but morale rose after a victory in Trenton. Washington promised to pay the troops salary with his own personal fortune, which gave them a reason to ght in Trenton. The outcome of both battles was an American victory. These battles were signicant because Washingtons troops got a lift in morale, and also got the attention of the French to send more money.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The battle took place on October 17, 1777 in Saratoga, New Jersey. The plan of the British was for Burgonyes army and Howes army to meet in Saratoga and ght the Patriots. The only problem was that Howes army didnt get the orders in time so his men couldnt join the battle. If Howe came, it could have been an easy victory for the British. This battle is considered the turning point in the revolution.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Winter at Valley Forge

The Winter at Valley Forge happened in the winter of 1777 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. General Washington stayed with his troops in the cold tents rather than in the cozy stone house. He wanted to show his troops that he wasnt the kind of general that thought he was better than the other troops. Baron von Stueben was a former Prussian soldier who joined the Continental Army to train them to ght like a strong European-like ghting force. This trained the army to ght more effectively. The weather in Valley Forge was brutally cold. Despite this, it was a strategic place to defend York, which was the new Patriot base. This break from ghting allowed the Patriots to rest and train for the next battle.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Yorktown

This battle happened in Yorktown,Virginia on September 28th 1781. Washington wanted to nish off the British. He had the condence to start a siege of Yorktown, the British base. General Cornwallis had to retreat into Yorktown to defend it. The key factors to a Patriot victory were that the French had sealed of the harbor so British reinforcements couldnt arrive. The combined French and Patriot troops had the British outnumbered. Also, the British didnt have the numbers to defend against a thirteen day long siege. This battle was signicant because it was the nal battle of the war. All British soldiers became American prisoners of war.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Treaty of Paris
Ben Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams signed the Treaty of Paris on September 3rd, 1783 in Great Britain. This trio bested some of the most sophisticated minds in Europe to get the new terms passed. The terms ended the war and gave the Americans land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. The Americans now have many challenges to face. They must elect a leader and create new laws. It will be quite a roller-coaster ride.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Fort Ticonderoga
Fort Ticonderoga was built by the French starting in 1755 and nishing in 1759. It is located in New York State. It passed through the hands of many armies until Arthur St. Claire gave it up to Gen. Burgoyne in 1777. It was never really a major factor of the war, so it had little importance. It is now a museum and became a museum in 1909.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

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