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COMPARATIVE RULES 1 2 3 4 Adjectives Most Adjectives Adjectives that finish adjectives that finish that finish with e we we add

with y with cons add r er we +vow + cons change y we double for ier the last cons and add er Nice r Braver Safer Bigger Hotter Wetter 5 Long adjectives we use : More_______ 6 Exceptions

More Difficult Expensive Dangerous Beautiful Exciting Good Better Bad Worse Far Farther Further

Clean er Tall er Short er Young er Small er Etc I am younger than my brother.

Prettier Dirtier Uglier Happier

Guadalajara is safer than Mexico City.

I am happier than my sister Salma Hayek is prettier than Lady Gaga.

Acapulco is hotter than Veracruz.

Mexico City is more exciting than Veracruz. A VMW is more expensive than a Civic.

America is worse than Pumas. Cooking is better than Sleeping.

Jorge is Emma is braver than taller my brother. than John.

Toluca is bigger than Jalapa.

SUPERLATIVE RULES 1 2 3 4 Adjectives Most Adjectives Adjectives that finish adjectives that finish that finish with e we we add with y with cons add ST EST we +vow + cons change y we double for IEST the last cons and add EST Nice st Bravest Safest Biggest Hottest Wettest 5 Long adjectives we use : The most_______ 6 Exceptions

THE MOST Clean est Tall est Short est Young est Small est Etc I am the youngest than person in my family. Prettiest Dirtiest Ugliest Happiest Difficult Expensive Dangerous Beautiful Exciting

Good The best Bad The worst Far the Farthest Furthest

Mexico is the nicest country in the world.

He is the happiest person in his office.

Acapulco is the hottest beach in Mexico.

Mexico City is the most exciting place to live.

Marcos is My This is the the bravest daughter biggest city man I know. Emma is is the in the world. the tallest prettiest girl in the girl for class. me.

America is the worst soccer team in the world.

Chinese is the most difficult She is the language to best learn. friend I have.

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