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Oneness of God, Oneness of Religion, and Oneness of the Whole Mankind as One Family


Oneness of God

Gods are not many, only His names are many. For instance, some people call Him Ram or Allah or God or Yehova or Tao. To understand it more clearly let us take the example of water. It is like water is one, and it has many names in different languages, i.e. Water, Pani, Jal, Neer, Aab etc. Here, we know that water is the same, only names are different. Similarly, God is also one. With the realization of the Divine Truth the proverbial Light dawns, and the proverbial Darkness vanishes; this oneness becomes absolutely clear, and all the differences arising out of the names also vanish leading to tolerance and peaceful co-existence.


Oneness of all religions

The essence of all the religions is two fold; First - Realization of the all-pervading formless God; Second - Living this life imbibed with humility, tolerance of diversity and universal brotherhood. And when the essence all the religions is same, then we can very well say that there are not many religions as normally understood, there is only one religion and that is humanity. Like Holy Adi Granth also says that shed all illusions, worship the all-pervading formless God; this is the eternal religion.
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Oneness of mankind as one family

The eternal Truth of one father- one family means that the there is only one supreme Father (called God) and we are all his children. After someone receives the God knowledge from the True Master the whole world appears to be a huge family, of course with plenty of diversities. And if we go by that realization then, there can be no concept of caste. Because when the father is one formless God, how can there be many castes, different creeds, and differentiation based on colour, language, region or religion. Finally the result is a life full of love, compassion, humility and service to mankind. So, Spiritual awakening gives us a life full of love, compassion, harmony and tolerance of diversity; no hatred, no violence and no intolerance towards others.

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