The World Is A Democracy

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The World is a Democracy As long as humans think differently we are all a democracy in mind Socialism is a Macro Managed society

workers pay for slackers health n home Communism is Socialism in Micro Managed form freedom hard to find The government becomes the parent not so nice you get pittance just like Rome The average, Average salary we pay to be told what to do 174,000 a year So with 40 hours a week n 2 weeks vacation that is 3480 a week net income They pay nothing for health care we pay it for them they pay 0 let me be clear So while we have Ramen for supper they have Filet Mignon is that dumb? We as a world of free thinking people know not a one of us truly think alike When we struggle together to be free a better World for all it will be for all For all the bad said about GW Bush he promoted Freedom not the 3rd Reich Roman first, German 2nd and Nazi 3rd all failed its people who take the fall This pipe dream of one world government is Fascism disguised wolf for sheep Most people help another person on their own we need not another autocracy May I remind you Hitler wanted to rule the world too, are you people asleep We can all think differently and get along without theocracy The World is a Democracy 2013 I.M. Nobody I live here in the U.S.A. so statistics obviously for me are from here. I thank you all for reading and continue to live free which is all of our right as individuals and human beings. I must also include these statistics were from fiscal year 2010. Be free all! ; 0)~Kev

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