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The opening sequences to Essex Boys

Media Studies Mr Seal

Camera Angle and Composition

This obscure angle scene which is shot through the wing view mirrors from inside of the van is forcing the audience to look at Jason and his antiques from Billys perspective. It allows the audience to feel the discomfort and sense of entrapment he has found himself in. The fact that it was filmed through the wing mirror of the van, suggests he does not want to face reality of what he has found himself being an accomplice with. The composition of the shot has many objects in the way of the main action within the scene. This creates

Location, Metaphors, and vanishing points

The location can reflect the characters. Within Film Noir style films they tend to use old, rundown, unpopulated or forgotten locations which are isolated from the rest of society. In this particular scene the location is a road leading into the ocean on a tatty neglected beach. Jason is isolated from humanity. The audience is then intrigued for reason why Jason has found himself in this state. The road leading into the ocean is ending in the middle of no where as it takes the traveller no where; this is a metaphor to be related to the two characters, Jason and Billy. The path they have chosen for their way of living isnt going to get them very far within society, or where they would like to get to. Its a path/road which WILL come to an end, and as we call tell from the location it isn't going to be pleasant. However, we are unable to see the extent of the consequences as the road ends past the vanishing point which the audience is able to see.

Foreshadowing, the audience gets a hint for what may happen later on in the film. In this example its with the use of light and reflection. The light from the tunnel reflect onto the front window of the car giving the illusion of bars. As this is a Film Noir style film crime will play a big theme, so the next conclusion the audience is able to make is a prison cell.

Extreme Angle Shots

This extreme angle shot makes Jason see insignificant and feeble compared to the gold lion which symbolises everything in which Jason hopes to achieve; a big home, money and sanctuary. This makes his future aspirations seem like a lost cause. This makes the audience feel sympathetic and sorry for him which helps engage the audience in his moral ambiguity. Due to the extreme high angle, it gives the effect of a hierarchy. The tacky gold lion being of the same status as the audience and Jason being a the bottom. This gives the audience a justified reason to judge his actions. The lack of mise-en-scene around Jason makes him seem alone, with nothing. Makes his hopes and dreams to seem even bigger, and even more of a challenge to achieve. The audience yet again sympathises with his circumstances and maybe able to relate with the unreachable dreams.

The use of the colouring black and white can reflect on the plot. There are no grey areas, the actions of the character and the choices they are making are either good or bad and cant be justified.

The use of chalk on the black backdrop gives it the eerie enigma feel and theme. Chalk is also stereotypically found in a old fashioned classroom. The old tell the audience the crimes and plot are going to be old-school in the sense of the traditional gangster robbing a bank. The classroom feel could reflect on Billys character being thrown into the world of crime, being taught by Jason on how to survive.

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