2005 XU-CSG Constitution

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PREAMBLE We, the bona fide College Students of Xavier University, with the guidance of the Almighty God, upholding our inherent right to establish a government that shall embody and preserve our dignity, common interests and aspirations, following the vision of the University of forming men and women for others, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution. ARTICLE I. NAME & SEAL Section 1. The student government established under this constitution shall be known as the Central Student Government of Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan. For purposes of tradition and brevity, it shall be referred to as XU CSG. The Central student Government acknowledges its roots on three leadership aspects of Academic Excellence, Patriotism and Ignatian Spirituality. The blue background encircled with dots represents the harmonious collaboration with the College Students Councils, which is the lifeblood of the CSG. The sun against the blue shield is adopted from the Philippine flag, which embodies the nationalistic aim for sustainable development and peace. The eagle, plume and book of St. John the Evangelist characterize the Atenean value for Academic Excellence. The wolves and a pot (lobos y olla) on a red-gold-striped background represent the core values of leadership grounded on the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Superimposed at the center of the seal is the cross, denoting its regard towards a Christ-centered governance and open to Inter-religious and cultural dialogue. These altogether are the guiding principles of the CSG for good governance: Ignatian-based, grounded on Atenean tenets, Christ-centered and responsive to the needs of the students. ARTICLE II: CONSTITUENCY Section 1. All bona fide college students of Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan are constituents of the XU CSG; the term constituency shall refer to all students of Xavier University, both of the graduate and undergraduate colleges. The XU CSG hall derive its powers from its constituents. ARTICLE III. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES & MISSION Section 1. The XU - CSG shall be the highest seat of student governance of Xavier University. Its officers shall represent its constituents in all university bodies and other association, both within and outside of the campus, which directly affect the students welfare and interests. The XU - CSG shall envision a government that is socially aware and involved, rooted in a clear grasp of reality and vigilantly responding to the general interest of its constituents in a dynamic, effective and united effort; a governance that is founded on the principles of authentic Christian humanism, thereby it shall be a pro-student, pro-people, pro-country, Christ centered and gives due recognition to the rights of those of other religious denomination. It upholds genuine student participation and democratic representation in a dialogical, consultative and non-violent manner. The XU CSG shall pursue for the implementation and enforcement of the Magna Carta of Students Rights, Responsibilities and Welfare for undergraduate students of Xavier University. The XU CSG shall initiate to contribute to the development and transformation of the Philippine Educational System and responds to the needs and issues of society. The XU CSG, in exercise of its powers and jurisdiction, shall foster transparency in all undertakings at all levels of governance and encourage participation among its constituents. ARTICLE IV. JURISDICTION AND COUNCIL AUTONOMY Section 1. The XUCSG shall represent XU students on matters pertaining to their general interest and welfare in the areas of: 1.1. Academics 1.2. Students Rights and Services

Section 2.

Section 2.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4. Section 5.

1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Section 2. Spiritual Formation and Social Development Physical Enhancement Extra Curricular Affairs

The XU-CSG shall formulate a General Plan of Action with which to oversee student activities concerning the constituency; implementation of these activities shall be directly handled by the respective CSG Departments and special committees with the participation of the College Councils and Student Organization. Departments and special committees which shall compose the executive units may be created to closely monitor and coordinate the activities of the XU-CSG, College Councils and student organizations. The College Councils shall abide by the constitution of the CSG. They shall initiate and implement activities in conformity with the needs and objectives of the CSG, ensuring that the laws are faithfully followed. The respective College Councils shall maintain their autonomy in areas concerning; 5.1 Traditional college activities 5.2 Internal functions 5.3 Finances 5.4 Membership The officers and members of each College Council shall maintain powers vested upon them by their respective charter and consistent with the provisions of this constitution. The Executive President of the Central Student Government shall exercise general supervision over local governments, which shall be composed of the College Councils and Student Organizations. Local government units shall have a just share, as determined by the University Administration, in the appropriation of funds which shall be automatically released to them. Legislative bodies for the local governments shall be represented in the Central Student Government respectively as may be provided by law. No College council, Co-Curricular Organizations may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its jurisdiction and autonomy substantially altered, except with the knowledge and approval of the respective College Deans, Chairpersons, and the Office of Student Affairs, as stipulated in the University Policy. All powers, functions and responsibilities not granted by this Constitution and its by laws to the autonomous units shall be vested in the Central Student Government. ARTICLE V. STRUCTURE XU STUDENT BODY

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 5.

Section 6.

Section 7.

Section 8.

Section 9.

Section 10.

Section 11.

Supreme Constitutional Court

Executive President

The Directorate

Executive Vice-President

Executive Secretary

Department Secretaries

Committee Heads

The Commissions Electoral Commission Students Rights and Welfare Commission Commission on Audit

ARTICLE VI. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Executive Level Section 1. The executive power of the Central Student Government shall be vested in the Executive Level. The Executive Level shall be composed of the Executive President, Executive Vice President, and the heads of the Executive Units and Committee Chairpersons. Shall be the highest policy making body of the organization. The Chief Executive of the XU-CSG is the President. 4.1. He/She shall be elected to office at large, provided he/she meets the requirements mandated by this Constitution. 4.2. As power, the President: 4.2.1. shall act as the official representative of the XU-CSG in its relations with the administration, the faculty, the public and with any other organization in and outside the campus. shall enforce the provisions of this constitution. shall update the general membership of the status of the XU-CSG affairs periodically. shall have the sole authority to approve or veto any enactment, on valid grounds, no later than 10 days after it has been passed by the Directorate. A veto may be overridden within five days by a vote of 2/3 of the directorate sitting en banc. shall be responsible for the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of any enactments he/she approves. shall exercise special powers that are conferred to him/her by the Directorate, for emergency situations requiring immediate intervention outside the normal exercise of the presidential powers. shall appoint, immediately at the start of his/her term, the heads of the executive units and the Student Rights and Welfare Chief Commissioner, to be confirmed by the Directorate. The executive heads and the commissioners shall co-terminate with the President. Should there be vacancies in the executive departments and the Students Rights and Welfare Commission the President shall appoint officers to hold the positions, provided that there is no direct successor to the said commission or department seats. shall act as the presiding officer of the executive units and the constituency during any form of formal gathering it conducts. shall be a signatory to all transactions, agreements or contracts entered into by the XU-CSG in behalf of its general membership, upon the concurrence of at least a simple majority of the members of the Directorate sitting en banc. may create Departments at the start of his term which will monitor and coordinate all plans and policies enacted by the Directorate and approved by the President. the President shall appoint an Executive Secretary who: shall derive his/her power solely from the President shall monitor the day to day operations of the CSG shall facilitate in the formulation of the GPOA of the Executive Level, composed of the Executive Department Heads shall enforce all provisions of the Executive Policies may create administrative policies and protocols which will bfacilitate the smooth flow of various office transactions may endorse certain Executive Policies as proposed by the Department Secretaries and Committee Heads may appoint a Press Relations Officer, whom shall be responsible for all the council press releases and/or communications, and shall be the head of the Information Heads College Councils. He/She may also represent the council on inside or outside campus activities, as may be requested, on behalf of the President.

Section 2. Section 3. Section 4.

4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4.

4.2.5. 4.2.6.


4.2.8. 4.2.9.




4.2.13. shall appoint a Secretary of the Department of Budget and Finance or an equivalent in the Executive Units thereof, whom shall be the custodian of funds of the XU CSG, and shall be the cosignatory with the President of any financial transactions entered into by the XU-CSG.


As responsibility, the President: 4.3.1. 4.3.2. shall first submit the guidelines defining the function of the departments for the directorate to confirm. shall submit the names of the persons he/she wishes to appoint as Department Secretaries to the Directorate for confirmation no later than 15 days after assuming office. may create committees to respond to certain pressing concerns that need to be addressed immediately.


Section 5.

The Vice-President shall have the second highest seat in the Executive Department. 5.1. He/She shall be elected to office at large, provided he/she meet the requirements mandated in this Constitution. As Power, the Vice President shall: 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. shall exercise the powers and duties of the President during his absence, removal, resignation, incapacity or death. shall begin to convene the Directorate no later than fifteen (15) days upon assuming office. shall be the presiding officer of the Directorate in all forms of formal gathering it conducts. shall act as the official liaison of the Directorate to the President, Supreme Constitutional Court and the executive units.


Section 6.

The Executive Level shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shall end at the same date the year after. The formal turn-over ceremony shall take place within 10 days after the new Presidents assumes office. ARTICLE VII. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT THE DIRECTORATE

Section 1. Section 2.

The Legislative powers of the Central Student Government shall be vested in the Directorate. The Directorate shall be composed of the College Council Presidents, and the authorized representative of the extra-curricular organizations. Any member of the Directorate may appoint a proxy to attend any of its proceedings in his/her absence. Appointment procedures shall be defined further in the charters of each college councils. Powers and Responsibilities 3.1. shall recognize and respect crucial college Council interests in the formulation of policies, programs, and strategies that may have bearing on their constituents or the welfare of the general membership within their respective councils. shall formulate with the CSG President a general plan of action before the start of the academic year. shall pass all Directorate Bills to be enacted and resolved through a simple majority vote of the members sitting en banc. shall be responsible for the appropriation and adjustments of funds to the executive departments. shall be responsible for the direct implementation and monitoring of provisions in the policy or programs affecting their respective college councils, in close coordination with the executive units. shall exercise special powers individually or as a cluster, delegated to it by the CSG President for emergency situations requiring intervention outside the normal exercise of their powers in the Directorate. shall be responsible for the confirmation of the appointments of the heads of the executive units. shall appoint an audit commissioner for the incoming CSG administration.

Section 3.

3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.


3.7. 3.8.

3.9. shall be responsible in conducting all investigations necessary for the cases of the Directorate. Investigations shall take place immediately thereafter the receipt of the complaint and shall present its findings and recommendations in a written report to the Supreme Constitutional Court no later than fifteen (15) school days upon the start of the investigation. The House may conduct a public investigation as it may deem necessary. Section 4. A legislative secretary shall be appointed by the Convener, subject to the concurrence of the majority of the Directorate. The Legislative Secretary shall be responsible in documenting in the journal all the proceedings and other records in the Directorate and shall also work with the Secretary of Budget and Finance on Fiscal matters. All Financial records and liquidation reports of the Directorate shall be preserved and be open to the public in accordance with the law, and such books shall be audited by the Commission on Audit. Enactments and Directorate Bills 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. Every enactment shall be an extension to the law. Every bill, to be enacted or resolved, passed by the Directorate shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof. Resolutions shall be made to serve purposes of single academic year tenure while enactments, unless amended, shall be permanent provisions of the law. Every Bill shall be signed by the CSG President for approval. Otherwise, he/she shall veto it and may be overridden within five (5) days after the veto by a vote of at least 2/3 of the Directorate, sitting en banc. If the President fails to sign or communicate his veto within 30 days, the enactment shall become a law as if it had been signed. No bill shall become a enacted unless it passes three readings on separate days, and printed copies thereof must be distributed to all the members of the Directorate a day before its passage, except when the Executive President certifies that it is necessary to expediate the immediate enactment to meet an emergency. A printed copy of the second reading of any bill shall be given to the Supreme Constitutional Court for review of its constitutionality. No bill shall be permitted to be in the third reading unless validated by the Supreme Constitutional Court. Upon the third and final reading of any bill, no amendment thereto shall be allowed. And the vote, thru yeas and nays and the affixation of signatures thereon, shall be logged in the journal immediately thereafter. Enactment and Resolution policies and guidelines shall be determined further by the Directorate.

Section 5.

Section 6.


6.6. 6.7. 6.8.

Section 7.

No law shall be made to increase the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Constitutional Court as provided in this charter without the concurrence or its advice. The heads of the departments may initiate, with the consent of the Executive President, or upon the request of the Directorate, to appear before and be heard by the body on any matter pertaining to their departments. Should there be imminent queries, written questions must be submitted to the Convener at least a day before the scheduled appearance. The questioning is not limited to the written questions; interpellations shall be honored as long as it covers matters related thereto. The members of the Directorate shall serve for a term of one academic year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shall end at the same date the year after. ARTICLE VIII. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT SUPREME CONSTITUTIONAL COURT

Section 8.

Section 9.

Section 1.

The Judicial powers of the Central Student Government shall be vested in one Supreme Constitutional Court. Judicial power denotes also the obligation of the court to settle actual controversies involving student rights which are demandable and enforceable, and to ascertain whether or not there

has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch of this Student Government as mandated by the Constitution. Section 2. The Supreme Constitutional Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and the seven (7) Justices of the different College Councils. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the XU-CSG President of the outgoing administration and subject to the approval of the Directorate. The Justices shall be appointed by their respective College Council Presidents to be approved by their respective Central Committee or its equivalent. The Supreme Constitutional Court shall have a secretary, appointed by the Chief Justice, and shall keep a record of its proceedings. The Supreme Constitutional Court shall have a treasurer, appointed by the Chief Justice, and shall be responsible over financial records and liquidation reports.

Section 3.

Qualifications 3.1. No person shall be appointed to the Court unless he/she is a bona fide student of Xavier University for at least two (2) semesters, not a candidate in any elective position prior to his appointment, and must not be on academic or disciplinary probation. The Chief Justice and the Justices must be of proven capacity, integrity, probity and independence.


Section 4.

Prior to the confirmation of the appointment of the Chief Justice and Justices, they must be able to pass an exam conducted by the outgoing members of the court or any member of court of the previous administrations. Powers and Responsibilities 5.1. 5.2. 5.2. The Supreme Constitutional Court shall be responsible for the strict observance of this Constitution in all levels of governance. The Court shall enhance, support, and sustain the consciousness and involvement of the XU students in the promotion and preservation of this constitution. The Court may conduct an independent inquiry on any petition questioning the validity or constitutionality of any enactment passed by the Directorate and approved by the President. The Court must conduct the inquiry within a period of fifteen (15) days, after which it must furnish a written copy of its findings to the President. In cases where the Court finds the petition result valid, it shall declare that the enactment is invalid or unconstitutional and shall require the Directorate to convene in order to review the enactment in question. In cases of appeals, new evidence supporting such must be presented to the Supreme Constitutional Court before another inquiry may transpire. All petitions for reconsideration shall be decided within 48 hours from the receipt of the copy thereof. All issues involving the Constitutionality of an enactment, resolution, or decision shall be required to be heard en banc, and be decided with the concurrence of a majority of the Justices who took part in the deliberation on the issue and voted thereon. The Chief Justice shall have no voting powers except when there is a tie in the votes of the members. The Assistant to the Chief Justice, if any, also shall have no voting powers. He/she shall act and assume the responsibilities of the Chief Justice only during his or her absence.

Section 5.




5.6. 5.7. Section 6.

All Financial Records and Liquidation Reports of the Supreme Constitutional Court shall be preserved and be open to the public in accordance with the law, and such books shall be audited by the Commission on Audit. The members of the Judiciary shall serve for a term of one academic year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shall end at the same date the year after. ARTICLE IX. THE COMMISSIONS

Section 7.

Section 1.

To perform specific functions as defined by this constitution, the three autonomous Constitutional Commissions: Electoral Commission, Commission on Audit and Students Rights and Welfare Commission, are hereby created. Electoral Commission

Section 2.

2.1. Structure and Responsibilities 2.1.1. The Electoral Commission shall enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, referendum and recall. 2.1.2. The Electoral Commission shall be composed of the Chief Commissioner, and the seven (7) Deputy Commissioners which are the ELECOM heads of the different College Councils. 2.1.3. The Electoral Commissioners must not have been a candidate for an elective position preceding academic year and shall be non-partisan. 2.1.4. The Chief Commissioner shall be appointed by the outgoing Executive President of the preceding year. 2.1.5. Secretary to the Commission, if any, shall be appointed by the Chief Commissioner with the concurrence of the members of the commission. He/She may act as the official bookkeeper on both financial and other records of the commission. 2.1.6. The Commission shall exercise exclusive jurisdiction over all contests relating to the election and qualifications of all elective officials. The decisions, rulings, or orders of the commission shall be final. Appeals shall be addressed to the Supreme Constitutional Court only on the grounds of unconstitutionality and grave abuse of discretion. 2.1.7. Decide all questions affecting elections, including the determination of the number and location of polling places, and appointment of election officials and inspectors as defined by the XU-CSG Election Code. 2.1.8. Register, after sufficient publication, political parties and organizations. These parties and/or organizations must present their platform of governance. No Religious organization, parties seeking achievement of goals through violence or unlawful means, or refuse to uphold and adhere to this Constitution, shall be registered. Section 3. Commission on Students Rights and Welfare 3.1. Structure and Responsibilities 3.1.1. The Commission on Students Rights and Welfare shall be composed of the Chief Commissioner, Associate Commissioner(s), and College Deputy Commissioners. 3.1.2. The Chief Commissioner shall be appointed by the XU-CSG President with the consent of the Directorate. 3.1.3. The College Deputy Commissioners shall be appointed by their respective Council Presidents. 3.1.4. The Associate Commissioner(s), if any, shall be appointed by the Chief Commissioner with the consent of the Directorate 3.1.5. The commission on Students Rights and Welfare shall be responsible for the pursuance and strict observance of the XU Magna Carta of Students Rights, Responsibilities, and Welfare by all parties concerned. 3.1.6. The commission shall enhance, support, and sustain the consciousness of the XU students of the provisions embraced in the Magna Carta. 3.1.7. The commission may conduct an independent inquiry on any complaint on any violation of the Magna Carta. The commission must conduct the inquiry in a period of fifteen (15) days, after which it must submit its findings to the president. In cases where the commission finds the complaint valid, it shall have the power to declare that such a violation was done and shall require the CSG President to consult with and seek redress from the proper university body in addressing the complaint. The reports, complaints and findings must always be confidential. In cases of appeals, new evidences supporting such claim must be presented to the commission before another inquiry may transpire. 3.1.8. The Chief Commissioner shall act as the official liaison officer of the XU-CSG, with the consent of the XU-CSG President, to any disciplinary board which affect student rights and welfare.

Section 4.

Commission on Audit

4.1. Structure and Responsibilities 4.1.1. The Commission on Audit shall be composed of the XU-CSG Audit Commissioner and Audit Secretary. 4.1.2. The Commissioner shall be appointed by the outgoing Directorate. 4.1.3. The Audit Secretary, if any, shall be appointed by the XU-CSG Audit Commissioner with the consent of the Directorate. 4.1.4. The Audit Commissioner and Audit Secretary must not have been a candidate of or an elective position receding academic year and shall be non-partisan. 4.1.5. The Commission on Audit shall be responsible for auditing or validating all financial transactions entered into by the XU-CSG on a mid-year basis. 4.1.6. The commission shall also coordinate with all student organizations for a consolidated audit report for the CSG President to act upon. 4.1.7. The commission shall adopt the policies and guidelines promulgated by the Directorate in the conduct of any audit. 4.1.8. The Commission on Audit shall have authority to promulgate its own rules and regulations, create its own techniques or methods for a transparent accounting and auditing process, and must at all times adopt the generally accepted accounting principles. 4.1.9. For transparency, the Commission on Audit shall submit a copy of its financial report to the XU-CSG President, Directorate Convener, and the Chief Justice. A copy must also be given to the Press Relations Officer, or its equivalent, to be posted mid-yearly in all the University information boards for the guidance of its Constituents. Section 5. The preceding commissions shall maintain & exercise autonomy from the Executive President and the other offices of the XU-CSG. The Electoral Commission and the Commission on Students Rights and Welfare shall decide by a simple majority vote of all its members in any case or matter brought before it within five (5) days from the date of its submission for decision or resolution. Each Commission en banc may promulgate its own rules concerning pleadings and practice before it or before any of its offices. However, such rules shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights. Each Commission shall perform such other functions as may be provided by law. No member of the Commission shall act in a temporary capacity. ARTICLE X. ELECTORAL PROCESS Section 1. Section 2. The conduct of any election, plebiscite, or referendum shall be done in strict observance of the XU-CSG Election Code. Qualifications 2.1 No person shall be elected to office unless he/she: 2.1.1. is a bona fide regular undergraduate college student of Xavier University; 2.1.2 is of good moral character and has not been penalized by suspension in this University or in any other school previously attended; 2.1.3. has established a residency in the university of at least one semester immediately preceding the semester of the election; 2.1.4. upon assumption of office, he/she must not hold any position in other student councils or organizations; and 2.1.5. No person shall be elected to office if he/she is on academic probation on the day of the filing for candidacy. Section 3. The election for the positions of President and Vice-president must be held no earlier than two months and no later than one month prior to the end of the regular school year. The elections of the college councils and students organization officers must also be held within this period. ARTICLE XI. FISCAL AUTONOMY

Section 6.

Section 7.

Section 8. Section 9.

Section 1. Fiscal Autonomy from the Executive Department shall be granted to the Legislative, Judicial Departments as well as to the Electoral Commission and the Students Rights and Welfare Commission. The Legislative and the Judicial Departments, as co-equal branches of the council, shall each enjoy two (2) percent allocation of funds from the total CSG budget of the two semesters respectively or as may be provided by law. The Commission on Students Rights and Welfare, being an independent body, shall observe fiscal autonomy and enjoy two (2) percent allocation of funds from the total CSG budget of the two semesters of the whole academic year or as may be provided by law. The Electoral Commission, being an independent body, shall observe fiscal autonomy and enjoy five (5) percent allocation of funds from the total CSG budget of the two semesters of the whole academic year or as may be provided by law. The appropriation and provision of funds may be adjusted thru an enactment or resolution, provided that the proposed budget revision shall be not lower than the allocation of the preceding year. Section 5. In accordance with the law, the Commission on Audit shall inspect and examine all financial records and financial reports, as it shall be preserved and be opened to the public. ARTICLE XII. ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE OFFICERS Section 1. XU-CSG officers including its College Council officers must at all times be accountable to the members, serve them with paramount dependability, honesty, loyalty, and competency, and do all with justice. The Executive President, the Executive Vice-President, the members of the Supreme Constitutional Court, the members of the Commissions, the members of the Directorate, and all the Elected Council officers, may be removed or suspended from office on the following grounds: 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. culpable or willful violation of this constitution; gross incompetence gross misconduct neglect of duty malversation of funds conduct unbecoming of a student leader

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 2.

2.8. 2.9. Section 3. Section 4.

misrepresentation of duties and responsibilities in any organization or gathering within and outside the campus academic deficiencies acquired in the duration of his/her term
grave abuse of authority

The Directorate shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachments. The President, the Vice-President, the members of the Supreme Constitutional Court, the members of the Commissions and other elected officials shall be automatically removed from office when suspended twice. The Councils elected officers, the members of its Commissions, Legislative Body, and Judiciary, shall be under the jurisdiction of their respective Councils Legislative Body. Except for the heads of the CSGs Judiciary, Legislative and Constitutional Commissions, the term member on this section shall refer to the other officers that belong to the said bodies.

Section 5.

Section 6.

Impeachment/Suspension Process in the CSG and College Council 6.1. 6.2. Impeachment of any official stated above may be proposed by any individual or group of individuals to the Directorate. The Directorate shall initiate and conduct, within fourteen (14) school days, any related inquiries for the impeachment case of the said official.

6.3. The Directorate shall submit its findings and recommendations of dismissal, suspension, or impeachment to the Supreme Constitutional Court. Impeachment recommendation of the official shall take effect after the concurrence of a simple majority of the members of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Impeachment cases shall be decided no more than five (5) days from the receipt of the findings and recommendations by the Directorate. Failure of which, the Supreme Constitutional Court must take cognizance of the case and a proceeding must be conducted within seventy-two (72) hours to hand out its decision. All parties involved shall be given a chance to be heard; evidence shall be presented for the Court to decide on the merits of the case. ARTICLE XIII.VACANCIES AND SUCCESSION OF POWERS Section 1. The term of office of all XU-CSG officials elected and appointed, after the ratification of this Constitution, shall be one (1) year, starting from the noon of the 31st of March and shall end at the same date the year after. For purposes of transparency during the turnover of office, the outgoing administration shall give a copy of its audited financial statement and a record of office inventory to the incoming administration. In cases of vacancies in the Executive Presidency, the Executive Vice-President shall assume the position of the Executive President without prejudice to his responsibilities as Executive Vice-President and presiding officer of the Legislative Body. The members of the Directorate shall elect among themselves a new convener whom shall be referred to as Directorate Chairperson. In cases of vacancies in both the Presidency and Vice-presidency, the members of the Directorate shall assume the functions of the two positions as an Ad Hoc body, without prejudice to their responsibilities as members of the Directorate and heads of their respective College Councils. The Ad Hoc Body shall be responsible for calling a special election for the two positions left vacant. In cases of vacancies in other elective position(s), unless there are direct successor(s) in accordance to the hierarchy, the president shall appoint officer(s) to fill the vacant seat(s). The Directorate may also call for special elections, however with the approval of the President and the Judiciary. ARTICLE XIV. AMENDMENTS Section 1. Any amendments to, or revision of, this constitution may be proposed by the Directorate or a Constituent Assembly, supported by at least ten percent of the total student population of Xavier University. A Constituent Assembly shall compose of representatives from all the College Councils, who are special delegates to specifically and solely address the amendment in congress. Section 2. Any amendments to, or revision of, this constitution shall be valid when ratified in a plebiscite by a simple majority of the members of the XU - CSG as defined in Section 1 of article III of this Charter; provided, however that at least fifty (50) percent of its members cast their votes in the plebiscite. ARTICLE XV. TRANSITORY PROVISIONS Section 1. This constitution shall become effective upon ratification in a plebiscite by a simple majority of the votes cast by the members of the CSG as defined in Section 1 of Article II of this constitution. Upon ratification and approval, this constitution shall supersede any previous existing constitution of the CSG. Upon ratification and approval, the College Councils shall seek the assistance of the CSG in reformulating their respective charters with their defined functions, powers and responsibilities to align with this constitution.




Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 5.

Section 2.

Section 3.


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