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Cloth of the month | January 2009

Mr Sew-Funky has come up with a brilliant idea for me to design a cloth for every month
of 2009. I think it's very achievable and have decided to grab his idea and run with it!

Please let me know if you make it, I love seeing my cloths popping up all over the
internet... :)

And so, without further ado, I present to you the January 2009 Cloth!

January 2009

Using 6mm needles and 100% worsted weight cotton yarn, cast on 16 stitches.

Row 1: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 2: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 2 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 3: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 4: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 2 stitches, turn.
Row 5: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 6: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 4 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 7: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 8: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 4 stitches, turn.
Row 9: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 10: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 6 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 11: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 12: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 6 stitches, turn.
Row 13: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 14: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 8 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 15: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 16: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 8 stitches, turn.
Row 17: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 18: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 10 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 19: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 20: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 10 stitches, turn.
Row 21: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 22: Knit across row.

This cloth is made up of around 8 wedges, exactly the same. On the last wedge, you can
either cast off on Row 23 or using kitchener stitch knit the last row and the cast on row
together, making sure you have the right sides together. Then sew up the circle in the
middle, sew in the loose threads and you're done! :)

Cloth of the month | January 2009 Revisited

I decided to try making the january cloth a little different by using two different coloured
yarns. It turned out awesomely, and if you want to recreate one for yourself all you need
to do is knit two rows with one colour, two rows with the other...

Looks fantastic!

© SewFunky 2009
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