Non Profit Marketing Plan

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CCA Marketing Plan

(For an 18- to 24-month two-year organizational marketing plan) 1. GoalsWhat you need to accomplish
What are your organizations main one to three goals? And what are your one to three marketing goals (how marketing can best contribute to achieving organizational goals)?

2. Benchmarks and MeasurementStaying on the pathway to success Part OneBenchmarks: What are three to five concrete, specific and measurable (when possible) steps to
complete en route to achieving your marketing goals? Part TwoMeasurement: How to measure if you are moving at the right speed down the right path?

3. Situation AnalysisThe Conditions Inside and Outside Your Organization

What is the environment in which youre working?

4. Target Audiences and Segments

Who are the one to three top audience groups you need to engage to meet your marketing benchmarks? How do they break out into segments (with shared perspectives, habits and wants)? What are the wants, habits and preferences of each segmentso you know how to connect with them? Do not try to reach everyone!

5. Calls to ActionWhat you want your target audiences to do

What are you trying to get your target audiences to do? Be specific.

6. Framing the MessageBenefit Exchange and Barriers to the Call to Action Part OneBenefit Exchange: Why should your target audiences care? Whats it in for them? Part TwoBarriers: What challenges do you face in motivating the action? Whats going to be difficult? 7. StrategiesThe best way to achieving your marketing goals
How can you best motivate your target audiences to act?

8. TacticsHow to bring your strategies to life

How to connect your organization with your target audiences via these strategiesthe nitty-gritty?

9. ResourcesWhats needed to implement

Part OneRoles and Responsibilities: Who does what? Existing staff? New staff? Outsource? Social
capital (board members, volunteers, other connections)? How many hours (per week or month) is it expected to take? What training is necessary to build necessary skills? Part TwoBudget: How much is it going to cost?

10. Step-by-Step Work PlanStart with a 90-day plan, then extend it to cover six months
How to roll out the program? What are the immediate steps to take once you have an approved plan?

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