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Your blood and heart

Composition of Blood
5 liters of blood, uid and cellular RBC, WBC, platelets Red Blood Cells Erythrocytes Hemoglobin, renders the color red Produced in bone marrow every 100-120 days No nucleus and organelles, exible White Blood Cells Leukocytes Cells of immune system The count of WBC important factor for a healthy body Platelets Thrombocytes No nucleus Lifespan of 5-9 days Blood coagulation If the count is low, excessive bleeding, if too high, causes clotting Blood Plasma 92% Water, 8% plasma protein Plasma contains minerals, glucose, platelets and CO2 Nutrients (amino acids, fatty acids and glucose)

Main Arteries and Veins

Vena Cava: large vein carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart Aorta: Main artery supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system Pulmonary artery: the artery carrying blood to the lungs for oxygenation

4 Sections
Atriums: two upper cavities of the heart. Left receives oxygenated blood and right receives deoxygenated blood from the veins of the body Ventricles: two main chambers of the heart. Right receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the main pulmonary artery. Left receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it to the aorta

Functions of Blood
Supply of oxygen and nutrients Removal of waste products eg) lactic acid and carbon dioxide Immunity against foreign particles Helps transport of hormones Blood clotting for the natural repair of cells Regulation of body temperature Maintaining pH balance

4 Valves
Tricuspid: between the right atrium and right ventricle Pulmonic: between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery. Mitral: between the left atrium and left ventricle Aortic: between the left ventricle and the aorta

White Blood cells

White Blood Cells
Part of immune system Travels around in blood and body uid to prevent the body from pathogens and toxins Several types, all amebas with nuclei Two main types: Phagocytes & lymphocytes

Phagocytes: 70% of WBC, they ingest and absorb the pathogens Change shape, extend their cytoplasm called pseudopodia. Ingest foreign microorganisms then release enzyme to destroy the pathogens They carry out Phagocytosis, which is surrounding the substance in the vacuole then to destroy it with digestive enzymes.

Lymphocytes: 25%, they make soluble proteins that pass into the plasma to recognize the pathogens, the antibodies. Contain antigens: These are the foreign substances that are once recognized to be toxic, it triggers the duplication of antibodies to neutralize the toxins

Vaccine is the minor version of the disease but in a harmless way It introduces the pathogen and then the enough antibodies are generated to defend your body against the disease

Phagocytes also release chemical messages to help lymphocytes identifying the type of antibody that is needed to neutralize the toxins.

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